General Discussion

General DiscussionMost dangerous hero if left un-countered?

Most dangerous hero if left un-countered? in General Discussion


    The first hero that come to my mind is meepo

    < blank >


      one syllable anglo-saxon

        huskar + oracle/omni/dazzle


          Chaos Knight

          Hatsune Miku



              ck, huskar, meepo, necrophos, storm spirit

              chicken spook,,,,



                  LONE DRUID

                  Riguma Borusu

                    8 posts in nobody mentioned brood

                    spider momma b sad

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      How is huskar dangerous and what's his counter

                      meteor hammer

                        brood brood brood

                        Riguma Borusu

                          How is huskar dangerous

                          he listens to cuki - destroys your ancient

                          and what's his counter

                          Almost everything. Heavy physical damage, heavy burst, disarm, AA, -armor, heavy armor, evasion, heavy magic resist or immunity, heavy sustain and heals in general, blademail, stuns, good rosh potential on the enemy team (ursa/troll but they also fall into the "heavy physical damage" category anyways), it is probably easier to make a subset of things that DON'T counter him, because almost every single mechanic in the game counters him through most lineups.

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          meteor hammer

                            armor sustain magic res and heals (besides purify/shadow wave situational) dont counter huskar, nobody roshes faster than huskar but ursa,

                            the counter to huskar is aa

                            barring that, phsycial damage or pure damage. if u cant even get that u want either a lot of stuns or a good dot (ion shell) so he cant toggle

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D


                              But you can't not counter meepo, like half the pool counters him in one form or another

                              Also broods, with the exact same reasons

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Bill Cutting

                                So that would be best last pick

                                Brood, meepo, pl, maybe ck

                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                  brood or maybe even AW

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    No one mention Anti Mage? Seriously?


                                      CHAOS KNIGHT!


                                        Anti mage?? Alche??


                                          The fact AM took soo long to identify worries me. I would suggest Slark and Dusa in that as well.


                                            but is it possible to draft something that won't counter slark

                                            Friendly player

                                              all heroes are scary to leave un countered. support heroes don't really matter.

                                              dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                idk why no one mentioned cancer lancer ... you literally cant win vs a fat lancer if you have no counters for him ...

                                                and btw, u can counter meepo with items (magic resist, bkb, basher, ...)
                                                counter husky( disarm, ghost scepter if he has bkb, abyssal, ... )

                                                and so on ... most of the heroes mentioned above are ezily countered with such items like basher, magic burst, magic immune/resist.


                                                  Io. Literally 100% sure ban in matchmaking.


                                                    huskar is literally only countered by aa, and pure dmg like od, timbersaw, and illusions like ck and tb
                                                    against heavy physical u always build halberd and maybe even solar or ac
                                                    against heavy disable u get bkb
                                                    against silence u go greaves (no Kappa its pretty decent)
                                                    against heavy magic resist u buy veil (kappa this is a joke no flamerino)

                                                    blademail is not a huskar counter considering his passive defends against the return of his own burning spears and that he buys satanic
                                                    heavy armor is not a huskar counter either, he has burning spears, but evasion is to an extent
                                                    heavy magic resist is also not a real counter, he does a lot of physical as well
                                                    neither armor nor magic resist r counters by themselves since huskar deals a lot of both

                                                    the hardest counter is the physical dmg he cant block with halberd, which is illusions, and aa
                                                    ck and pl and brood rek him a lot, even against od and timber, od cant do shit against halberd and timber is weak to huskar early

                                                    also with these am and slark and dusa votes, u have to understand that these r all weak laners, so theyre innately countered by a hard lane, u often dont need hard counters, cuz if u put them behind they suck ass


                                                      ^ Wtf is this smurf account ?

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        except some of these heroes aren't that good even when not countered like PL.

                                                        Anti mage is usually countered by himself and just sucking at farming. But a good last pick anti mage is a nightmare.

                                                        Slark sucks. If you don't have a lot of stuns and silences gl ever killing him, he might start game 0-5 but as soon as he gets silver edge and basher if you can't lock him down you're in for some pain.

                                                        Storm spirit too, if he stacks bloodstone charges cus you have no lockdown gg.


                                                          ^ Wtf is this smurf account ?

                                                          3rd recorded time someone asked this and it is no
                                                          just look at my first games for proof


                                                            CK imo
                                                            Without ways to clear his illusions he gets to a point where you can't kill him anymore at like 15-20min

                                                            I don't think armlet is gud on him btw

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              antimage lol? u dont even need to counter him just steamroll him from the laning phase and eat his goddamn towers


                                                                Hardest Huskar counter is AA... The regen stoppage is not good, but if you can stop him from attacking he doesn't do much.

                                                                Troll is extremely scary if left unchecked. He basically can beat any other right click carry when one-on-one.

                                                                chicken spook,,,,


                                                                    Stop picking LC to counter am thx


                                                                      anything thats strong in lane and good at pushing


                                                                        what if we just delete brood
                                                                        that hero was reworked like 20 times and it was always either really bad or completely broken under right circumstances


                                                                          I agree with most here meepo/brood/huskar are the classic," were all gonna get fkd and not have any fun if they last picked and we have no counters "