General Discussion

General DiscussionThey killed Morphling

They killed Morphling in General Discussion
The DarKNovA

    Replicate replaced with a trash ability.

    Story Time

      u cant spell replicate without "r i p"

      Riguma Borusu

        where did you see that



          Riguma Borusu

            Denies XP granted to the enemy (the player being denied) reduced from 70% to 25%


            Riguma Borusu
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              Cheap Laugh Guy



                  Dead hero

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    They make him more combative, his ult sounds irrelevant for a carry

                    The DarKNovA

                      They take the only real unique utility away from him, and then replace it with a talent that does not fit a carry at all.
                      If anything, he's a support now without the manapool to support. So, trash.

                      Story Time

                        he is a suport now! He was always a support deep inside!


                          he is still fine, this just gives him some sort of teamfight utility

                          The DarKNovA

                            A utility that makes him far weaker than he ideally is by himself, great.
                            No, it doesn't add anything of value to him as a carry. And for a support, he's still not valid.


                              replicate is an escape as an ultimate
                              also notice i added teamfight utility
                              morph has 0 teamfight
                              now he has gr8 teamfight


                                His ult may be very situational, but his increased speed to his stat shift along with adaptive strike being 2 abilities now will make him a really strong teamfighter. No other carry has a 3 second stun, insane burst potential and really high auto attack damage. Nullifier will be a strong counter to him but I honestly think his damage output will through the roof.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  ^No, the stun still scales with his STR, he needs to be 50% more STR to get the maximum stun duration
                                  so it's basically splitting Adaptive Strike for IDK what special reason

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    Yeah, Adaptive is still NOT gonna apply a fair amount of stun. Yes, he can switch quickly and then use the other skill, but in split-second fights, that is really not a good option, he also has even less mana now than ever, and while Replicate was a reliable way for him to make up for his poor flashfarming, now he has nothing.
                                    So yes, it is trading his carry potential for a utility.

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                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Morphling has just become one of the best anticarries in the game (while also being one of the hardest carries) and you are complaining?

                                      The DarKNovA

                                        I'm complaining since he is shit now, yes.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Can people at least wait to play the patch and then decide or something because if you had the ability to figure out how exactly the changes affect the game after just reading the patch notes you would be 7k+

                                          I think this gives him a whole lot more potential and a counter to a fuckton of heroes that he might have been bad against in the past.

                                          but we will see


                                            he may have less int but he depends on it less cuz U CAN SWITCH STATS FOR 0 MANA

                                            The DarKNovA

                                              Let's admit it, there's no point in Morphling taking carry position with his new ultimate, I think it's quite clear for everyone to see isn't it.
                                              He is at the exact point where he can be this wacky tacky hero with the occasional plays and that is it.

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                btw I just realized Sunshine has a point
                                                The attribute shift is faster now and requires no mana, so you can prolly have more STR to max stun then morph Agi when the target is stunned and hit the agi max damage later
                                                I've tried that before but the agi shift was too slow to gain DPS and lack of mana, you also turn fragile in the process
                                                Now that Adaptive Strike is split and Shift is buffed
                                                It might be legit


                                                  all of the abilities he uses to carry are still intact so i really dont see at all what ur talking abt
                                                  he still morphs
                                                  he can still burst
                                                  he isnt even countered by mana burn anymore

                                                  The DarKNovA

                                                    He can't push and farm at all now, unless you think he needs no farm, then it's no biggie.


                                                      he cant use replicate to farm offensively but he can still farm with even a MoM or smth


                                                        thing is there r plenty of heroes that can split push that lack escapes, its just harder and requires more game sense

                                                        The DarKNovA

                                                          Yes. Go and build a MoM on morphling for farm please, and report back with the results. I mean I guess it works if you don't have an enemy.


                                                            i dont understand the reasons for a morph rework at all

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              morphling's previous ultimate wasn't any more carry oriented than the current one, the fact that he morphs into another hero to take its base stats means that he can do way more shit now, he is just more versatile

                                                              nobody is fucking forcing you to use your ultimate if it makes your DPS and general teamfight contribution lower, you just have the option to do it

                                                              become an antimage (a really tanky one at that), go around burning people's mana, then come back to your normal form to push the tower

                                                              The DarKNovA

                                                                "Morphling's previous ultimate wasn't any more carry orientated than the current one"
                                                                Bull fucking shit.
                                                                And also, there's absolutely no reason for you now to even try to farm (aside from it's not worth it for you), when you can ultimate a hero with 0 gold.

                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                  The ult sounds like old Agh's Hybrid but instead of having another illu doing the work, you are the illu yourself and will not be able to use your original skil in that forml(I guess? That would be a lot of buttons change) But yeah you can throw everything before Morph ult if that's the case

                                                                  I hope the Morphling's and item's stats will remain with that form so the DPS and items won't be wasted or else it's just a worse Hybrid
                                                                  It's fun and might prolly be very OP
                                                                  It raises the skill cap to another level

                                                                  Replicate's mobility was worse compared to Ember Spirit anyways


                                                                    morphling's previous ultimate wasn't any more carry oriented than the current one, the fact that he morphs into another hero to take its base stats means that he can do way more shit now, he is just more versatile

                                                                    have you ever played a game with morphling in your life?

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                                                                    The DarKNovA

                                                                      It's obvious he didn't.

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        Also reminder that with mana cost removed from Shift, you can Shift as much as you want
                                                                        If your HP is really low after you shifted max STR to survive a gank
                                                                        You can Shift to max AGI
                                                                        Your current HP will decrease to only 1 even if you are losing STR
                                                                        That way the "missing HP" will be uh... deleted?
                                                                        Then you shift back some STR and you will gain back the HP
                                                                        Concept's kind of like Armlet
                                                                        Quite good for sustain? Might be even useful to escape

                                                                        The DarKNovA

                                                                          They will just rework that in the way that stat morph will keep your current HP's % in the first hotfix either ways.

                                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                            Gotta say the new ult's pretty support-like for a carry like Morphling
                                                                            You can put Hybrid/the-new-Morph in any hero's skillset and the difference isn't much

                                                                            Even if the original stats and item's bonus remains, it's still quite situational considering the hero you Morph into might need certain items to work like ES needs Blink Dagger and is melee and you can't right click much as Shadow Shaman
                                                                            TA or Sven needs damage items more than stat items and also needs Blink Dagger to work which a Morphling don't usually build because he's so fragile

                                                                            On the sunny side, you do fight better with this ult if the skillset you steal is good

                                                                            The DarKNovA

                                                                              That's exactly what I meant by he's now a wacky tacky hero, who traded his potential to become carry for utility and occasional play potential.

                                                                              The DarKNovA

                                                                                And by the way, no, your original stats don't remain, you get the stat of the hero you transformed into.


                                                                                  You seem to forget that now morph has 0 mana cost now.

                                                                                  The DarKNovA

                                                                                    Nice gain, but to what end.
                                                                                    And yes, they won't let the stat morph directly add the +str's HP gain to our current HP for long, so don't count on that one.


                                                                                      the "new" (shitty) morph ulti is full of bugs hope they are forced to change it -_- ... i think i am probably going to remap morph ultimate to a button i will never use, shitty f**** up ultimate split push morph gone :( . . .

                                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                        The hero was outclassed by AM and Ember in split-pushing and contributes little in teamfight compared with most carries, can't scale late game as good as AM too. I'd rather have this rework than letting things stay forever.


                                                                                          It's garbage pos 1 now, sad times one of the most unique and fun pos 1 heroes in Dota is now some retarded meme rubick.


                                                                                            i just won a dumb af comeback with him
                                                                                            against an od of all heroes
                                                                                            i feel like u can pull off some sort of meme utility mid hero or smth idk

                                                                                            The DarKNovA

                                                                                              Yeah, that's the kind of Morph play you can bid farewell to.


                                                                                                "The hero was outclassed by AM and Ember in split-pushing and contributes little in teamfight compared with most carries, can't scale late game as good as AM too. I'd rather have this rework than letting things stay forever."

                                                                                                Only every other hero can solo def vs AM and Ember. Noone could do that to old morphling. Not to mention he had more decent teamfight than AM. Now he's an oddball with nothing but decent stat gains and no theme or path whatsoever. As CUTNPASTE said: it's now a meme rubick.


                                                                                                  but now morph can go agi and str with no mana, so am will do shit vs him now, as I understand good.


                                                                                                    @Washed Up:

                                                                                                    Jeah, but your ultimate did nothing to it.
                                                                                                    What won you the game is the ability of morphling to gapclose a sniper and oneshot a PA.
                                                                                                    Basically people tend to forget...

                                                                                                    (morphling's previous ultimate wasn't any more carry oriented than the current one, the fact that he morphs into another hero to take its base stats means that he can do way more shit now, he is just more versatile)

                                                                                                    ... that it was possible to wave into their base, shotgun one hero dead instantly and replicate out without even being targetable, getting the odds to 4v5 for raxing. An AM can be properly stopped splitpushing within minute 20-30 by even a stronger support.. someone of the regular morph-players ever dared to try to stop a morph hitting a tower while you were alone/with your other supp friend in that time window?.

                                                                                                    replicate won lanes too, due to being able to replicate back for regeneration or by copying that pa and watch her kill herself. tp back and be full hp right after that "kill the carry while support is ganking"-attempt.

                                                                                                    the new ultimate makes you transition into something morph basically does not want to be. not himself.
                                                                                                    the new morph is only good with or agains TB eventually.

                                                                                                    he is still a ducking stronk rightclicker and the shotgun is still strong. but his ultimate removes his escape, his splitpush, his deep in, hitting that tower, until my linkens pops and then press r with .2 seconds cast time and farm the other side of the map.

                                                                                                    just leave your ultimate untouched/unlevelled and buy Linkens+Blink+SE to try to push like old morph, that might be fine.
                                                                                                    Or beg to god, valve will make him a carry with an ultimate again.


                                                                                                      I still remember the good old days when Morph can replicate his own illusion.

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