General Discussion

General DiscussionIo Combos in 7.07

Io Combos in 7.07 in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Write meme Io combos with his new talents here:
    Alch and his lvl25 talent
    Ursa with the 18 sec cd invuln and 6 free attack from overpower
    Ogre Magi with +90dmg and +40atk speed for both and fireblast memes if added abilities work
    Huskar with 4 sec cd dunk + max atk speed for Io
    Idk if Gyro's aghs or Drow's aghs count as attacks but if they do they're on the list
    Clinkz w/ lvl 25 multishot arrows?
    Tether to void before casting chrono for 60s cd

    Idk if the attack whenever your tether target attack is if Io's in range tho

    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      Riki ult might give you flak cannon?

      Riguma Borusu

        sven + io


          io+riki and u jump into io


            io+naix and he eats io


              io + puck with the puck lvl 25 talent gives both split shot on all dream coiled units
              maybe that with a maelstrom on both sounds kinda insane


                get a roaming CK in your team and go carry IO
                CK ulty on IO and you have a Terrorblade

                Watch Me and Learn

                  Focus Fire.


                    Tell me now guys when did you get 25 lvl in IO game ? 99% of the times either you lose or win by that time.

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                    Friendly player

                      io carry incoming

                      Story Time
                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                          @Lex With these new talents it'll probably be worth playing Io as a core now
                          +60dmg at lvl10 is ridiculous despite his <50 starting damage
                          Overcharge of course applies to yourself
                          Free aghs upgrade and meme combos with a carry or mid
                          Get a deso and satanic and 2 players on your team do retarded amounts of damage without dying whilst being able to rat towers quickly

                          @Story Time
                          Write meme Io combos with his new talents here:
                          Alch and his lvl25 talent

                          I just realized that anyone can get a spirit vessel now and completely nullify Io's healing tho


                            IO should be able to rapid fire with puck if I got that right after puck drops the ulty, I see abuse right there
                            if desolator stacks on all targets IO won't be what he used to be(maily a supp)

                            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                              Shitty strat: Get the dominator or necro and tether to the ghost or the necro archer (b/c range) and use that with the lvl 20 talent, allowing you to go the +90 spirits dmg if you wanted to

                              meteor hammer

                                io with a teamfight ult like void/warlock AND a visage

                                playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                  BIRDS LUL


                                    Io + phoenix when both are low and then phoenix ults and pulls in a carry.


                                      Medusa Works. Get +7 split shot for extra memes.

                                      Positive Mental Hospital

                                        io + undying for str sucking purposes.
                                        io + slark = ez team hide .hahaha

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                                          puck + io= DEATH TO ALL THE ONES THAT'S COILED