General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling going forward

Morphling going forward in General Discussion

    After the patch, Morphling becomes one of the worst hero, dropping like 8% of win rate despite being low at the first place. The pick rate however wasn't changed that much, which means people who used to play morphling no long know how to play morphling anymore.

    I personally believe that icefrog is trying to create a morphling that plays as a utility hero, several changes can show this design.
    1.Morph Ult changed. This new ulti is dramatically weaker for the carry as, why would you become other hero when you are a carry morphling. (Do you wish your carry getting so much resources and transfer to an axe during the fight? Believe me, axe is already one of the best to transfer) I might see a situation in which switching to Terrorblade or sniper can make you stronger as a carry, but most heroes don't work without their ulti and their specific item sets.
    The replacement also dramatically weaken morphling farming and split push potential. Morphling used to be one of the worst hero to gank as there are just too many escapes. Split pushers like AM,ember and weaver, although hard to deal with, is as simple as "lock down and burst". But a morphling with a linken requires high coordination of your disable and your damage output, and sometime your entire team might not have enough. But without the ulti is a different story, now morph is just a tanky hero with a timewalk. It is now so much easier to deal with.
    2. Talent tree change, look at lv20 talent tree especially. Both buffing ulti, which doesn't contribute anything to morph carrying ability.

    Now the the major problem for morphling, after theory crafted his build and tried it.
    1. Mana, this hero is stupid, if you want play this hero as a caster, mana item or items are the must. You need at least one mana item for this hero to use skills more than once in a team fight/ farm with waveform, more mana item if you want fully utilize his ulti. Man this hero needs mana... I persoanlly would go for Kaya or maybe mana boot. But that's a lot of money just so you can use your skill.

    2. Control, now this can be adjusted, but currently the control gives people a very hard time. The worst is definitely the old "switching to strength" is now "switching to agility", is like your favorite girl now is your dad. This needs some time to get used to.

    3. Skill not power enough. Considering the item this hero needs: mana item, blink and ethereal blade, this hero actually needs decent resources to be useful. But putting him in a position 3, what can he offer to the team? An Aoe damage and one 3 secs stun which sometimes backfires because the knock range is way too big. This isn't enough if you compare to some other offlaner. The real potential comes with morph (not the hero but the ulti) . But because of mana issue, this skill hardly has a chance to fully be utilized.

    This is just some of my opinion after I theory crafted the hero and experimented it. Really expecting to see people come up with a better build for this hero. But for now, it feels like this hero got into a awkward position and that patch feels more like a nerf.

    The DarKNovA

      You know the prover "jack of all trades, master of none?"
      Now the problem is that he's no jack of any trades, and now he isn't master in anything either.
      The new design is just flawed, and until they do at least something with his new ult (carrying your mana and hp %), he won't even have opportunity for "that one off chance play".


        Whoever came up with this idea is simply retarded.


          They broke a hero with a literal bug machine spell that isn't even creative or innovative.


            The ult kinda synergises with a carry since you retain your items while morphed.

            The winrate is low because of two reasons:
            1) There are tons of bugs with the hero. When I played him I suffered a bug where after morphing, I was unable to shift attributes until I died and respawned. There are several other known bugs which haven't been fixed yet either.
            2) Shift to strength used to be on the D Key by default. Now that Adaptive strike has been split into 2 abilities, the attribute shifts have been both moved a key to the side, so Shift Agi is now on D and Strength on F. While playing him, several times I get ganked and instinctively pushed D to go strength, but instead went agi and died before I realised the mistake. I guarantee I'm not the only one suffering from this.

            Until the bugs get worked out and people get used to the hero we cant be sure if hes better or worse.

            The DarKNovA

              He will be weaker than said other carry, because he still won't get the talents of the other hero, and more importantly, who does it worth morphing into so much that you can talk about a good choice, when you are loaded with items, as a Morphling, with items that benefit him?
              Terrorblade, maybe, but just maybe.


                Only some range carry that doesn't depend on ulti like Sniper, Terrorblade, gyro, medusa. AM and spec is kinda ok but situational.

                A crazy idea is to not build as morphling but build as the hero that you will be morphing into, so potentially you will have two of the same hero in one team. Such as two Axes, two tiny,two pudges... all you need is a blink and level 20. The only problem is having low resource making this hero useless before level 20 and having more resources making morph to another hero a worse alternative.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  That's one big ass problem


                    Retarded change no idea why it was made, Morphling was fine before just needed some slight buffs to be viable. I hope they revert the changes.


                      The one way I see his ult being useful is if your in like full agi and want a stun but dont want to waste time and damage shifting, is to quickly morph into a hero with a stun, use it, morph back. Unfortunately the ult comes with a bunch of bugs and stuff like that takes some time to get used to.

                      The DarKNovA

                        Problem is, you probably won't have enough resource to do even plays like that, given it's your mana that you will spend even when you're morphed.

                         noodles

                          I can totally relate to 2 hahahahahaha
                          but seriously am I the only one loving Morph's new ulti and at the same time hating it?
                          Like with morph's ulti, you can have a double ursa, the one with an ss and the one with better stats
                          but that's about it, you can only become an arc warden ulti to your allies. You're like a rubick who can't use ss
                          Like I'm really confused why they did this to morphling
                          the removing of attribute shift mana cost was GREAT
                          but they did not do justice to morph's ss
                          what if they just removed his aghs and combined hybrid with replicate?
                          or maybe that would be too op
                          but hey, it would really increase morph's winrate
                          p.s im tbd so my opinion is very flawed and I don't matter

                          EDIT: a situational hero just became even more situational hahahahahaha

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                          Story Time

                            i bet if he could also morph into teammate heros, that would be fun :D imagine enemy's cnfusion and also combos.


                              ^ He can at level 20.

                              I'm not going to say anything about the topic, considering I don't play Morphling and I play against or with it only once every 30 games or so. I'll just wait to see what happens in after 2 months. I do remember Void also ending up with a 40% winrate after his rework.


                                I played him last night. Went terribly but that's partially because I suck and played badly and partially because of bugs and the morphing agi instead of strength thing. I felt like the hero really had potential though. His skillcap is even higher then before and I think once the bugs are fixed and pros start using him we will see some really cool high skill plays. You can now do all sorts of cool stuff like shifting between agi and strength in the middle of fights depending on which version of adaptive strike you want, and if you get initated on you can go full strength then switch back to agi later once your team arrives and they stop focusing you and actually contribute. Before if you morphed strength, you were useless because you were left with no damage and no mana.

                                For his ult I think generally you should be throwing out your spells, morphing an enemy, using their spells and then switching back to yourself to use your stuff again. You mustn't stay as the enemy hero for the full duration (unless its something amazing like TB). The main problem is that you don't have mana to do any of that. They should probably remove the mana cost of his ult at the very least or reduce it.


                                  The problem is if you get jumped on in a fight and are getting focused and manage to escape shifting to strength you cant morph back to agi and go back in because you end up on 1 hp. unless you have a heart and can regen back to full once you get out you just kind of have to walk away.


                                    True, Although you can come back and morph into something useful. Might be worth it to include some sort of heal into his itembuild like urn or wand. If you go full agi you can get a large percentage of your HP back with a small heal.

                                    casual gamer

                                      They made his stun so much worse, and I think agi morph is unplayable


                                        I have never doubt valve decision when they make changes, sometime people think something is too good and sometime people think something is too weak. But time always adjusts and the hero seems to work at last. But I am pretty sure this morphling change pushes this hero to a middle ground and now it is bad for both category. It feels like they are trying to redesign the hero completely but also has some leftover.

                                        The best I can think of that pro might do with this hero is using it as mid, build fast Eblade and do everything it used to, without the farming split push part but more shotgun and change to something else part. Ignore the strength adaptive strike part almost completely.

                                        Jackie Chun (ジャッキー・
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