General Discussion

General DiscussionItem timings on 7.07 am ??

Item timings on 7.07 am ?? in General Discussion

    I get my pt+bf by 12-14 but fail to get manta + abassyl by 25


      who tf gets manta abyssal by 25 jesus
      thats so fast lmao
      idk am timings but i feel like once u get bf u shud get a big item every 5-7 min
      i average the higher end of that spectrum


        It's manta at 22
        So abyssal at 27


          PT 4 minutes
          BF 12 minutes
          Manta 18 minutes
          Abyssal 27 minutes
          Other items every 3-5 minutes depending on kills gotten/towers fallen by this point.

          Hello team

            as you may know, games can go either way : a big stomp on the early or a big loss on it.
            so you should consider afk farm and avg kda instead.

            i assume it would be around 15:30 average time for battle fury and two minuts less than that if no distractions what so ever (includes treads )


              the only timing you should care about is battlefury because everything else changes depending on the game.

              (WITH TREADS)
              9 mins = perfect + fb + 1 kill
              10 mins = perfect + fb
              11 mins = perfect
              12 mins = your goal
              13 mins = good
              14 mins = ok
              15 mins = ok
              16 mins+ = bad

              But these are all mostly irrelevant. It depends on your lane. If you're 1v3 and you get a 16 minutes battlefury that's actually very good.

              Timings are only useful when you're experienced and know how much you SHOULD have gotten.

              If you're getting bfry in 12-14 mins that's fine. But clearly your issue is you have no idea how to farm once the lane phase ends. Watch some pros and stop dying.


                idk how this is, but i missed a lot of cs for no reason, so i cudve gotten it a minute faster im sure
                also ignore my mjollnir, i was trolling around


                  ^if i was being legit id have gone bootless with a satanic, but whatever