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Random in General Discussion

    Picking random always would result a better MMR??



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        Not at all.


          Could u please elaborate..? Thanks

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            Sorry, I am retarded. Was kidding you.
            Randoming is actually a good way of raising your MMR and being a better player in general. You're spot on.

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              No can't because using random heroes doesn't guarantee you anymore bonus golds and its hard to adjust if you picked wrong heroes/unfamiliar and can easily countered by the opponents :)

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                Potato Marshal

                  Don't listen to them, random every match and you'll be a 6k Pro in no time


                    Afyer my 1st 25 games I continuesly randoming hero and providing the roles necessary or even carrys heroe im buying support item like courier wards which u will see in my overview even carrys ended up supporting. Is this actually good? And I have 64% win rate so far. And analyze A+ game after my 1st 10 games. And maintain it. Yet Im still in normal bracket. Is this normal??


                      And also I tp quick and help in clash no matter Im doing.

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                        Very good. You have amazing itembuilds and KDA.
                        You know how to play all your heroes really well.
                        Keep going.

                        even carrys ended up supporting. Is this actually good?

                        It totally is.

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                          Ur so braindead it's not worth explaining


                            Im watching youtube every heroe so I learn it from there... Also I read somewhere being engage and gaining assist worth a gold than farming. Versatile ur so kind thank you

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              No problem.
                              Just be more versatile, randoming is amazing.
                              "Being engage and assist" is really good, especially, if you're a mobile hero like Antimage. No need to farm.

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                                KaikoKaiko 2 hours ago
                                No can't because using random heroes doesn't guarantee you anymore bonus golds and its hard to adjust if you picked wrong heroes/unfamiliar and can easily countered by the opponents :)

                                What if I can run the heroe I random very well? Although some player ruining the game from your team mate I just ignore it and try my best how I can help to win.. Sometime I listen to my team what they want to motivate them in the game to avoid fighting or confronting

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  You play every hero really well.
                                  27 minutes is the average Blink timing on SK (in fact, better than average, I'd say pretty early), so is 25 minutes Blink on safelane LC.
                                  And jungling Drow is a really neat idea, you have good timings and stats too, though on Drow I'd go straight first item MKB without boots.
                                  Try doing that next time you play Drow.

                                  Otherwise, very well played in your every game. Team held you back sometimes though.

                                  To be completely honest, I think you belong in a much higher skill bracket and MMR.
                                  I'd say you're actually around 4-5k in terms of individual skill.

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                                    That 2 time jungle Drow was I end up my choice since noone supporting and they want to solo all there lanes.. Sadly someone has to take the risk atlease to try and win the game unfortunately.

                                    And for LC i can solo offlane with getting farm and level. Yet somehow i become agressive versus 2 heroes when my safe lane is losing to get attention top so it will be 1vs 3 agains me. For my carry to recover which I end up feeding as well. Coz they syncronize well their skills. Which I admit failing.

                                    @Versatile you realy are agood mate. And coaching hopefully one day I might drop u a gift. Thnx mate


                                      I cant remember the strategy for raising MMR. There's a guy on here who knows so maybe he can help. Its something to do with the enemy ancient.


                                        @Milnor is it stealing their stack, blocking it wards or killing the the ancient of enemy. I ve done it all but not all the time.. Only by opportunities. Thanks for the tips anyway motivates me more to go roam 😉

                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                          you know its sad...OP really thinks that versatile guy is helping him, while he continues to mock him. Develop a bit of decency, too much to ask? Guy asks for help and this is the attitude.


                                            you dont need to random . if fact its bad because you can raise mmr faster by counter picking


                                              @Chains what is OP? sorry i dont really get to know the Abrivation of the two letters.. Also is MMR really important in dota2 game? Im just curious of it since I havent experience the game of ranked it says i need level 20 before i cannplay it. If u dnt mind.. Thanks a lot


                                                @Chain r u saying that Versatile is mocking/insulting my game methods? But as far I see he is sharing me good thoughts so far of the game ideas.. Sorry that I asked


                                                  @Chains what is OP? sorry i dont really get to know the Abrivation of the two letters.. Also is MMR really important in dota2 game? Im just curious of it since I havent experience the game of ranked it says i need level 20 before i cannplay it. If u dnt mind.. Thanks a lot


                                                    @Milnor Iam 1st picking random always. Os that fine ?


                                                      this is giving me an aneurism
                                                      omfg im dying
                                                      i dont know whether to laugh my fucking ass off or take my own life in brutal fashion
                                                      11/10 thread


                                                        Just finish game random again MIRANA as full support and gank end up 17 kilss 7 deaths and 25 assist. semi 6 slot item including gem

                                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                                          do what MILNOR said and it'll be easier to win if you can counter one hero all game. for example, pick a viper against TA and hunt him all game don't engage without seeing her on the map, and in a teamfight, don't focus anyone else but TA. That'll force her to get BKB sooner than she'd like, and that means an advantage for your team since she'll either be lacking in damage or mobility.

                                                          OP is internet slang for Original Poster; in this case - you.


                                                            Oh IC thank you chain

                                                            chicken spook,,,,


                                                              kunst 2

                                                                Yes. Proof - (last radiant random)


                                                                  Kunts your game is alot more than a thousand and I have 60 games so far... What do you mean yes proof?? About your post comment


                                                                    @Versatile Player the sarcasm is hilarious

                                                                    Friendly player

                                                                      Random gives you a big advantage over your enemies. How? The power of 1x iron branch duhh..


                                                                        Randomming in ranked is fine as long as you do it early on and you know how to play all the heros.


                                                                          Hi there thanks for your feed back really appreciate finally I went HS in pick random with my HUSKAR yes I can play them all very decent now I can say maybe :) Like I always say I will try to strive to win what matter my team mate need from me. Yes I did it!