General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar

Slardar in General Discussion

    I like this hero. Is he worth picking up nowadays? I like the river movespeed thing, it’s pretty unique but is he actually good now? And in what role. Thanks

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      He was always good.
      Pos. 3/4.

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        His ability to engage and disengage is not matched by many other heroes in his position. He's a solid hero.


          He's good in every line-up

          Dire Wolf

            Well he wasn't very good last patch because people had a ton of magic dmg to blow him up which made sprinting a liability. Also people weren't pick right clickers as often so his ult wasn't as valuable. And a lot of counter initiators that were popular like earthshaker would just wreck him.

            But now that we're back to picking right clickers more he works.


              he is ok
              nerfed a lot but still viable, just not as strong as he used to be
              not worth a 3 position imo, just pick him against weak lanes and roam


                He never goes out of fashion. With the new talents I'd try to play him even as pos 1 and rush midas tbh, it's probably a retarded idea but idk, might work imo.


                  ^ive seen pos 1 slardar before, but it was ages ago and loda played it in an agro tri


                    I know it used to be a thing, but I mean now it might be back. The +20 dmg, +100 bash dmg, +50 as and both the lvl 25 talents fit him if you play him as right clicker, with ac+mkb it would be a bash fest.


                      He can still carry. But hes more the blink in, stun, run away, repeat kind of hero. With bkb and one armor item he can stay in top of a sniper or sth similar, backline dmg dealer


                      I instantly pick him as pos 4 when i see squishy invis heroes, shaker might be better in most scenarios tho


                        slardar is a pos 4 that can snowball into a 3
                        kinda like nightstalker, except ns is better
                        ive definetley seen supporty, utility slardars transitioning to carries with sb, ac, bkb, that sorta thing


                          I picked early that game and nobody else felt like drafting any kind of carry. So i bought battlefury + maelstrom and farmed up.
                          Group up with Friends they say. No akward drafts or feeders in 5stack they say.

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's bad as a position 1 cus he has no flash farm and will fall behind, that's really it. Well and dmg increase on sprint makes him bad at sitting in the middle of fights, cus he'll die. It's kind of like playing void position 1, like it works, void is a beast with farm, but what's inherently better about position 1 void vs position 3? Both are about using chrono to setup dmg for other heroes hopefully. That's what slardar is, his dmg amp and control are the same whether he's a 1 or 3. Main thing is getting a blink and force staff on him, go from there.


                              whats inherently better abt pos 1 void is that he actually does farm better, he doesnt even have to set up a huge teamfight ability with chrono if he does the dmg himself
                              he is hard to kill and tanky
                              slardar deals dmg as a pos 3-4
                              void doesnt


                                very good but probably leas viable in pub games


                                  very good hero but bad in pubs.

                                  i won almost all games when i played him
                                  with people from
                                  dotabuff, the few times i picked him with randoms i lost...

                                  so many times i try to tell players to gather for a smoke and go pick off someone in the jungle, but you know pub things. if you cant get pickoffs with blink mid game you will fall on your face hard

                                  maybe they need to release an immortal that makes the corrosive skin sign on enemy heros more flashy, so that everyone understands "attack this hero"...just like the SB immortal

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                                    Good slardar in my io games ended always win for us,hes very universal and strong from lvl 1-2


                                      Its always good when you play in a 5 man party like in battle cup

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Mushi just played carry Slardar, the +15% Bash chance and the river ms OSfrog

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          I think he is really good, with the vision talent and undispellable ult assuming he can manage getting there. I think he is really underpicked nowadays

                                          He initially got trashed by monkey king, but they aren't fulfilling the same niche anymore

                                          He is a definitive 4, I have very hard time thinking in him in any other position, his kit allowing him to early roam very effectively, applying alot of pressure on the enemies, and he can keep himself relevant by sprinting between bounties, which are really close to one another now

                                          With tranquil and wind lace (which can also be upgraded to vessel or euls, which I can see him utilize both) he reaches max ms with lvl 4 sprint. Only add mobility into the mix like blink and maybe force stuff and you are set. Having a very reliable initiation and constant pressure on the enemies at any given time. With minimal farm

                                          Also he is a great asset in taking rosh, which is always valuable

                                          On other positions I think he is really underwhelming, as much as you don't need too much items, you need those basic ones or else you are useless, so you can't be a 5th roamer, keep that to ogre
                                          You don't really have a way to contest offlane, especially when talon is no longer a thing, and you really doesn't offer as much utility to the space you consume

                                          I have very hard time seeing him contest mid without babysitting, and as carry you really doesn't impact enough on the game with all the space you are given, and you are much more useful simply creating the space instead of consuming it, you don't scale, you can't farm efficiently, you are a weak and dependent laner, and you'll be more nuisance than contribution