General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst pick Wyvern

First pick Wyvern in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Why is this a thing?

    Usually pros used to pick the hero back when they see some specific hero to counter with it, when there's a lot of physical damage on the enemy team, when there's one primary target you need to disable through bkb in teamfights (so you use curse on it instead of using it on a hero you want to kill right away), and so on, but right now it seems people just kinda... pick it? Like, no information as to what the enemy draft is even remotely going to be like, and they first pick wyvern? Why is this a thing? I always saw ww as a strong anti phys anti push hero yet still situational, but there are teams first picking it like crazy.

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      Pubs=Pro games ? You can first pick all day as long you are comfortable with the hero.Doesnt matter in pubs.People rather play their fave heroes than counter pick.

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      Riguma Borusu

        It is not about pubs, I am asking for pro games. I barely even play dota, I basically only watch dota atm. I am just wondering why people are doing this, maybe I am too dumb to understand the genius behind it and maybe it is just a fad but apparently first pick wyvern seems to be working.


          That's because wyvern is one of the better pos 7 supports in high mmr games.
          Has a lot of impact with 0 items, and can still find farm with splinter.
          Also the ult is great and her q is % based so you dumpster offlaners and zone midlaners from a mile away.

          position 5 player

            I think it's her talents being (over) buffed combined with the 1800/1800 vision she gives to the team while being a pos 5 who doesn't need items.

            casual gamer

              It was for me in 7.0-.02


                That hero was so strong,dude.It doesnt need any item to be usefull.Just need meteor hammer

                While u use ur ulti,channel ur meteor hammer and see ur enemy get rekt

                Friendly player

                  yeah meteor hammer is op af n1ga


                    You got me,brother

                    That 690 damage and 1.7 stun was insane

                    profesionel fouri retardist

                      she waifu


                        i seriously want this fucking abdal Al-autisto to get banned
                        just seriously shut the fuck up with ur retarded meteor hammer nonsense

                        wyvern is just a true pos 6 hero, literally needs nothing, u can win fights with boots, a stick, and maybe a sr or arcanes or smth


                          i seriously want this fucking abdal Al-autisto to get banned
                          just seriously shut the fuck up with ur retarded meteor hammer nonsense
