General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you find farm on the map early game as pos 4?

how do you find farm on the map early game as pos 4? in General Discussion

    after the removal of iron talon

    oh and most importantly, exp

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      by killing heroes


        how do you kill heroes without a team though :thinking:


          by playing a pos 4 hero that can kill heroes


            Nightstalker, void them and silence them then hit them to death while they are running helplessly from you. :laugh:


              Lul, you get gold from assist gold, gold from pulling, you'll get space for a little bit of farm when ur carry is down...


                Don't let unattended lanes go wasted
                See it a lot, but u don't always have to be missing from the map, get some xp from a lane when ur carry goes to jungle, if ur team can't reach dangerous farm but u can, like if ur sb or ns or even so, try to farm enemy resources/map
                That being said don't die
                Actually not dying is so beneficial to ur farm, if u can avoid dying as much as possible for dumb reasons (sacrificing urself for ur carry isn't dumb, dying in a messy team fight isn't always dumb, just don't get picked off by obvious rotations)


                  @hbnn they TP out as soon as you void, and without void you cant catch people during the day


                    So, basically, as a night stalker, during the day, you just pull and tp to save lanes?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^NS is wasted on just pulling creeps, he's insanely tanky at level 1 so you can just harass people out of lanes

                      basically if your safelane needs help, bully the enemy offlaner, just right click them down, unless it is a trilane you can do it, if your mid needs help camp mid a bit, stay out of exp range as much as possible while still bullying the enemy mid, sometimes you can see NS even go dual offlane with an offlaner that can't hold his own, or if the enemy safelane is especially prone to getting harassed out (god forbid somebody picks spectre) and always remember that as enemies get levels (usually faster than you do) they get increasingly harder to deal with because your perks (high starting HP and armor) fall off pretty fast, just like ogre's, instead, focus on helping to win all lanes in the first 4 minutes, grab some runes, try to steal the one at 4 minutes especially, then go gank if possible, and even if you can't get kills, forcing people to go to base or shrine can be pretty good, since you have 4 minutes of reign anyways, you do not always look to kill people, sometimes disrupting the enemy carry's farm by terrifying him is good enough

                      TL;DR: Too good at harass, don't just pull

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                        but i dont get gold from harass, and i get very low exp which is also shared with my carry or 2nd support.... I mean if I actually harassw someone out of lane permanently, then its worth sure.

                        im gonna watch some nightstalker games, see what they do.

                        Овај коментар је измењен
                        Riguma Borusu

                          you don't get gold from harass but your team does, that's the point, you're position 4, not 1

                          also steal bounties as I said

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Basically, what you guys are trying to say is that "Earth spirit is the best pos 4 ;), believe me it works, I even surpassed the networth of my carry sven(bws).. XD

                            O N N E T B O Y Z ™

                              Steal runes, always try to get the enemy's bounty rune before them as well as yours (pay attention to the clock and start moving before the mark). Between that, assist gold and maybe farming some small camps you always get enough exp and gold for your first important item in an acceptable time.

                              kunst 2

                                check this pro kotl and learn


                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Don't let unattended lanes go wasted


                                    Depends on the hero, nowadays I only play pos 4-5, sometimes 3 and I like to make the laning stage as long as possible if I am 4 because you’re going to fall behind sometimes. I usually look at the lanes and see where I’m gonna make the most impact, not always where I’m needed most. Because I’m needed in our safelane sometimes because they have an offlane that just shits on our 1 and 5, but if I’m there I can’t do much and our lanes are weaker overall. So this offlaner (like say undiying) has done a hiuge deal already for their team, and hes gonna fall off later anyway. and their safelaner is getting a ton of space. I think this is why romers like spirit breaker are so successful because of the rate at which he can get to the lanes that he can make a difference, aside from the innate stats and skills of the hero. And if you’re successful, you can be a real threat to their heroes later on with your abilities and items. The dream is that you get little farm priority, but you get the right items and make the right plays that you’re this playmaker for your team that propells them into objectives later on.


                                      Runes, mid lane harass(xp), assists' gold...
                                      Or just play alchi pos 4 and steal your safe lanes farm(works 10/10)


                                        a support isn't a core, you don't farm directly

                                        your farm comes from how much farm/advantage you can create for your cores

                                        in return they'll be stronger in fights

                                        when a fight happens, if you did your job correctly your core will win the fight and you'll get a massive exp and gold jump from just participating.

                                        if you can't accept that then playing pos 4 or 5 isn't for you.

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                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Just go for bounty runes, screwing over the enemy's farm is just as good as earning farm yourself. I'm usually content with just treads and spirit vessel when playing pos 4 SB.


                                            Your job is to win lanes & not to farm.


                                              Im a begginer but O think being Pos 4 doesnt really need a gold.. What really need is to assist your carry and bullying lanes.. So the climax of the game will be on your team side to celebrate. Peace just my opinion


                                                Getting objectives done. Getting early towers. Pulling. Assisting in kills.


                                                  First objectives : Wards carry farm and be alert to remind them if some other lanes are missing. Second : Get assist thro ganking and take towers afterwards ;)


                                                    Stealing bounties is rlly value too
                                                    Like as ns it's rlly easy just fly over the cliff and fuck out of there
                                                    The rest comes from snowballing kills and ganks
                                                    DO NOT LET A WASTED LANE GO WASTED
                                                    Just sap xp from fog even if it's dangerous but when ur carry leaves to the jungle and the wave pushes back, farm it

                                                    position 5 player

                                                      Pick up bounty runes. Get assists by being involved in every kill. If you don't see any of your cores on a lane, don't let the creeps go to waste.

                                                      Chao Vritra

                                                        dont take any risks in the first 2 minutes unless it is a sure kill. contest bounty runes. if the lanes allow it i will try to leach a little xp for a quick level 2. then i roam (pudge main). Even if you dont do much in the first few minutes it is better than dying. be ready to tp, even if all it does is save a team mate, does not have to be for a kill. pos 4 is all about being at the right place at the right time.


                                                          ^Gg you like traps.. 😥💩