General Discussion

General Discussionyour biggest weaknesses?

your biggest weaknesses? in General Discussion

    I'm way too reliant on a good laning stage. I don't comeback well, even on heroes who easily could. Worse thing is, I play hyper-aggresively in lane, leaving myself open to ganks.

    chicken spook,,,,

      Positioning on supports
      Item timings
      Extreme lack of motivation to get better in general, wouldn't be suprised if I quit in the next few weeks


        Define weakness


          This thread


            i play over aggresive and careless when I feel that I have an advantage.

            lone dog

              It's a weakness in the sense that I would do worse if I let it slide.

              People who talk with their mics and aren't saying things related to the game. ESPECIALLY in unranked.
              If you aren't telling me information about the current game then I don't want to hear your voice.
              "Hello frie-" -> instamute.

              It's always either the 3k support mains with crystal maiden on their profile or the people who pick intentionally picks a horrible hero just because someone told them not to as they were hovering over it and then complain the rest of the game.

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                I dont know what to do in a team fight.. I usually end up initiating and dieing first and not getting exp and then feeding Ez game


                  From what i understand

                  Dealing with split push
                  Mid game framing
                  Get lost as a support at times.

                  But hell am 3k unranked so everything really.

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                    i dont tryhard


                      at the smallest sign of toxicity i instantly mute a player so every other game i have my whole team muted which also makes communication not possible. i know how important communication is, but i sacrifice it for my own mental sanity.


                        i first pick carries