General Discussion

General DiscussionA question (or three) to my people who know how to Mirana

A question (or three) to my people who know how to Mirana in General Discussion
yung griphook

    When to go phase and when to go treads? Thoughts on dragon lance? First major item?

    I typically play a mirana offlane or pos 4 so keep that in mind for these questions:

    I used to exclusively go phase boots every single game, and they seem great. Move speed and dmg is very nice. However, I started going treads recently and I feel like they're superior in every way. The attack speed, extra agility, tankieness, and the ability to tread switch just seems too good. So my first question is, when do you go for one or the other? Or is it not so clear cut/ important?

    My second question is when to go dragon lance. I personally never get it but I see it often in high mmr games so clearly there's a reason im missing. Is it just because you can get it quickly and get some nice stats? I feel like the passive isnt all that important unless you have trouble killing towers or you need to build pike later in the game. I see a lot of VHS players go for just a casual d lance though.

    My last question is what major item do you typically go for first? I used to and still go for maelstrom frst item because I feel like it synergize well with the hero and allows me to scale better. I was talking with a 7k pos 4 player recently and he told me that, if you can get it, aghs is significantly better than maelstrom, so sometimes its worth it to go greedy. I don't see many getting aghs on the hero anymore though. Is yasha or difusal a good first item? I like them on the hero but I feel like getting an item that can help you farm/push waves AND contribute to team fights is the move.

    Kind of long but want to see what you guys have to say about it.

    tldr: Phase v Treads? When to get d lance? First major item?


      if ur pos 4 aghs is fine
      no one gets it cuz no one plays mirana pos 4 in pros
      ive seen first major item be anything from maelstrom to aghs to dlance to yasha to even drums
      it just depends on ur position and what u need
      yasha is aggressive, dlance is a bit more defensive, if u need hp, maelstrom is more farming oriented
      she is super flexible so her build varies a lot
      same goes for treads vs phase
      it depends, do u want more tankiness, or do u want to be aggressive and abuse ms
      everything is situational on this hero imo

      only real thing i have to say is dont aghs on core mirana

      Chao Vritra

        idk but that hero is crazy I have seen support miranas blow up carries late game with aghs e blade dagon just from popping in after bkb.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          phase boots if you need damage in the lane/you want to buy s&y. treads otherwise. i like diffusal or maelstrom as first item. yasha or dlance is fine too.