General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to handle Timbersaw in lane?

How to handle Timbersaw in lane? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    1. When he runs mid - Do I ignore him and focus on last hitting and denying? Forget about harassing, play close to my tower? disengage when he runs at me?

    2. When he backdoors in other lanes - I do what exactly...?


      pick ursa with a support that stuns. congragulations you have now won this lane.


        If he's mid, pick Viper, apply break, win the lane. With any other hero you can't kill him and neither can he, so prioritize farming (e.g. death pulse spam necro, Q spam Lina, Scream spam Qop, you get the picture).

        If he's offlane, a single support ranged hero is enough to zone him out. He gets a power spike at level 3 (like most offlaners). If he can't get easy levels early, he's easy to deal with.

        When he backdoors a lane, it's not much different from when Axe or Underlord or Sandking backdoors. You ask a support to deal with it. If you're core, you focus on one thing - farming items.

        What loses a timber lane is a weak lane, like Spec + pudge + riki or something like that. As long as the lane is remotely competent, Timber won't dominate it.

        Palmen aus Plastik

          about the backdoor thing, while support's busy with timber i tank the creeps, both me and the tower loses health so it okay to lose the tower that early?


            No it's not. IF he's backdooring so much that your tower falls, your supports clearly aren't dealing with him so there's another problem.

            E.g. your supports are disruptor and SB. Timber is screwed.

            Your supports are pudge and jungle bloodseeker. You're fuked.


              You have to handle Timbersaw from the picking phase, get disables and magical damage. He's one of those heroes that if not countered and shut down early will dominate the lane and be a pain in the ass 'till your cores will get so fat that he won't be able to be that effective anymore (maybe).

              Harassing him in lane by just right clicking, especially with a hero that is already trash at doing that in general, is a complete waste of time as he will max armor almost every time. Farm as much as you can and when you think you'll deal enough dmg to him go for the kill (for example when you'll have enough souls and lvl 3-4 razes with SF, but what's the point in harassing him with 2 souls and risking to lose creeps?).

              When he backdoors in other lanes your team should always rotate and shut him down, that's why picking the right heroes is so important, you can't let him get out of control, take your tower so easily and destroy your lane.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                kill him early on. after he gets 3 it becomes harder but possible. if you pressure him enough and get an advantage, you can deal with him later on too. he has horrible base damage, hp and armor and 1 level in reactive armor isnt enough to save him.

                meteor hammer

                  u must kill him at lvl 1 and 2, if u zone him out enough he doesnt ramp up into "unkillable" territory fast enough

                  a lvl 7 void/tiny is a huge threat to a lvl 4/5 timbersaw, but a lvl 7 timbersaw dgaf about any hero almost, unless u gank him wiht pugna + stuns or some dumb shit hes invincible


                    Timber cant stand against any trilane which at the very least attacks him and uses spells timely.
                    Timber cant deal with dual lanes except some really weak melee supports like Omni, Kunkka, Bara + a weak carry
                    Heroes which win timber in 1-1 scenario: Ursa, MK, OD, Necro (probably there are some more, just these guys on my mind right now)
                    Basically, timber has no way to comeback after he got shut down, like lich or doom, eating creeps.
                    As a devoted offlane player i dare say timber is quite weak because hes not versatile enough to adapt to bad games (my wr with timber is shitty though). Hes just a situational pick.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      necro doesnt win against timber. necro is not very good against heroes with sustain but really good against heroes that really on slow harassment like veno. if you manage to out-sustain necro or just kill him he will lose the lane.

                      Free 2 Play Scootz

                        If it’s offline timber the most important thing is to zone at level 1.
                        If it’s mid timber ur fucked unless ur playing like qop or something

                        meteor hammer

                          If it’s mid timber ur fucked unless ur playing like qop or something

                          or sf who does 510 damage with triple lvl 1 raze


                            timber offlanes biggest problems is trilanes as stated
                            he is super super weak lvl 1, and lvl 2 doesnt change that much

                            mid timbersaw just demands something strong lvl 1, this includes mk, razor, ursa
                            the other thing is being able to nuke hard early (sf, od), have good wave clear (qop, lina) etc
                            he just situationally destroys certain heroes mid like dk or other melee/physical dmg heroes (pa, maybe ta)


                              ^I dont think that timber dumpsters ta at mid -_-

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                about the backdoor thing, while support's busy with timber i tank the creeps, both me and the tower loses health so it okay to lose the tower that early?

                                How about toying the damn creeps around instead of tanking all the hit or let them hit your towers


                                  I didn't say timber dumpsters ta, and I added a "maybe" for a reason


                                    I once played against a meepo mid as timber and he would just clear waves and fuck off and jungle or something. He won’t do the actual pushing, the creeps will. And if you don’t let him he can’t really kill you till a few levels


                                      ^honestly, i leave one meepo to stack, clear waves jungle repeat then attempt to kill timber whenever supports rotate


                                        1. deward his offlane ward
                                        2. find him hiding in trees to get his early levels
                                        3. supports zone him while carry maintains creep equilibrium
                                        4. contest his runes
                                        5. and if he disappears long enough go catch him jungle

                                        Thats how people dick around with a timber spammer like me


                                          Timbersaw's last hit potential is pathetic. If he is spamming Whirring Blades to farm, he's not going to be able to harass you. With 2 heroes in lane and neither is able to harass him, just focus on farming and denying. With poor items and level, Timbersaw is not that big of a threat.


                                            nukes and silences
                                            skywrath lane support can ruin him
                                            lich is pretty painful too
                                            carries with crits and dmg over fast attack speed. 200 dmg but only one stack sounds reasonable

                                            if hes mid any spell spammer can deal with him pretty well. zeus lina skywrath again, even invoker should be fine imo

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              really? invoker? how? i struggle :/


                                                i dont really play the dude. just in theory
                                                keep your distance and coldsnap meteor him when he tanks creepwaves/tower, he shouldnt be able to timberchain away then. i'd say you need more clarities than in other matchups

                                                Pointy Shoes

                                                  Yes I played as timber with a venge supp against a trilane (drow, shaman and techies) recently. I got completely destroyed :(
                                                  Smh we managed to win anyway.

                                                  gankl  der hochstapler

                                                    Tell your supports "hey lets kill itmber lvl1 over and over and fuck him up till im lvl 3-4 then roam"
                                                    afterwards u got freelane


                                                      thats not happening in <4k

                                                      gankl  der hochstapler

                                                        how often u try to use ur mic ? most of the times no one tries to talk with the mates lower brackets unless for flameing


                                                          like every single game. but i usually am the roamer and wait for the 5 to rotate with me. instead i smoke with him and he uses it to stack a camp.


                                                            Wasn't PMS nerf huge for him?


                                                              just on level 1-2