General Discussion

General Discussionnew mmr system ruined ranked dota

new mmr system ruined ranked dota in General Discussion

    now every 6 months i'll have to play 10 shitty games where no1 cares about the game but only good stats... n mmr doesnt even show.. just some crappy medal... pathetic valve...

    Oh Wonder

      + fuck valve i was 5.6 i got fucking legend 5 lmao


        Maybe you're an account buyer. I'm 4.5k and everyone I play with is Ancient 2-4


          last game holy knight kept sending my dk to base so he could farm.... goodbye dota.. valve put this shit game up ur arse... shifting to smite or lol... n i hope satan is waitin for u valve for ruinin dota....


            lol its the best thing to ever happen to ranked

            Jiren The Gray

              not really.. cause they didnt move smurfs up a bunch of mmr to clear smurfs out of lower brackets, my mmr didnt budge an inch.


                its fine unless i get retard teammates


                  Stat-based calibration needs to go IMO because the games really are silly.

                  Have 10 games with +/-100 at the start of each season instead maybe.


                    sorry 3k games and 2.2k mmr hardstuck... you should not have an opinion about this game


                      Don’t be an elitist prick.


                        All my matches were fine. It's like I wasn't even playing calibration games just normal matches the same as before they reset it. If you calibrated that much lower than you were before you either got worse are an acct buyer. Quit whining.