General Discussion

General Discussiontinker

tinker in General Discussion
casual gamer

    kaya lens or both guys

    gimme ur opinions

    also movespeed vs lifesteal

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      lens if you want aghs. kaya otherwise imo. dont get both, too slot intensive with dagger as well. i guess lifesteal because its not reduced on creeps unlike octarine core so.


        i mean

        u need both spell amp & spell range ( with dagon will be something special )
        I would go for both

        and im not sure if u get caught by someone u'd be able to run from him so movement speed ( thats just me )

        i mean come on u are one of top 600 player on dota
        why would u even ask

        Овај коментар је измењен
        casual gamer

          I like having input

          Being better than the majority of dota players doesn’t make me omniscient

          I like knowing other people’s itemization “thought process”, because right now I have a lot of variation in what I buy, due to slot issues and how broken kaya/lens are individually

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Kaya is better
            Lens isn't good anymore

            casual gamer

              Lens is better now than it was pre 707


                7k inc?

                casual gamer

                  I’d have to figure out how to win lane against non 5ks to climb very far I think

                  Lots of party wins with stairs though

                  one syllable anglo-saxon


                    bloodstone so u can kill urself

                    casual gamer

                      not as cancerous as offlane ench imo

                      Bill Cutting

                        Watch w33 and he bought both - so both is definitely viable.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          w33 the vanguard invoker pioneer


                            vanguard mjollnir invoker classic

                            anyway id go for one or the other
                            i think kaya is better cuz the manaloss reduction is better than the mana regen imo