General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for tiny

Tips for tiny in General Discussion
69 god

    Few tips for tiny in 7.07 please. Okay the ring of aquila for spamming third skill and farming faster, I get it. Yet to play this hero.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      I don't understand why people max Tree Grab first then farm an SnY even after the ms nerf
      Might as well play Sven, so much more impact than pos 1 Tiny
      I prefer the old build
      Playing Tiny to go late game is just a fucking joke


        Im interested too.
        Times ago i was having fun playng him.
        Than i really abandoned him for years.
        Is it playable as pos4 phase aquila blink kaya?
        Or as 3 blink. Echo vanguard shiva\ac?
        As 1? Mealstorm may be funny

        Totally teorycrafting


          That's some of the worst theorycrafting I've seen. At ur awful point of theorycrafting you might aswell just look at what pro players build, I think.

          69 god

            Dawnbringer I totally agree with you. Just was wondering how they managed to play this hero with S&Y at 60 mins. Obviously sven is more preferable.

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              I watch some good tiny play and they max toss first, then tree grab. Leave the avalanche at 1. At lvl 7 or skill build should be like this:
              And after that, max the tree grab.

              The gameplay I think should be focusing on farm than killing hero. Tiny can jungle very fast too. Echo Sabre is nice but I think SnY is a lot better


                I don't understand why people max Tree Grab first then farm an SnY even after the ms nerf
                Might as well play Sven, so much more impact than pos 1 Tiny
                I prefer the old build
                Playing Tiny to go late game is just a fucking joke

                Yes, its so dumb looking people these days maxing tree grab for zero armor hero

                If u want cleave so much, why u didnt just pick sven?he has stun tho,and not a fckin zero armor, of course

                69 god

                  Thanks Ayase, I'll look forward to work that way. Someone's gonna lose mmr. Noob tiny mid coming :)


                    sven doesnt kill towers like tiny does
                    sven doesnt have like 50% status resistance at lvl 18
                    gs uptime is much different than tree grab uptime
                    tiny doesnt farm like sven


                      if u pick tiny into an enemy team with a lot of disable but not too much dmg prepare to eat ass
                      because by lvl 18 they just cant keep u locked down enough to deal their dmg
                      btw u can dodge reapers with tiny because status resistance reduces the time the ability stuns for, but the scythe still takes that long to come down

                      Chao Vritra

                        have not played him since change but I will probably just build him like I always have.

                        Chao Vritra

                          also i have almost always gone phase boots over treads, or arcane if needed. Does anyone else agree? I feel like unless you are the hard carry you are only going to get one or two auto attacks off anyway, might as well get extra damage and ms for phase or go arcanes to spam.


                            but why would you pick him if you're not gonna be a hitter?

                            Chao Vritra

                              I used to play a lot of tiny in warcraft and a little on this account. THe way I see it is tiny is a nuker who can transition into a carry. It is not ideal to farm him safelane and get items (it can work but not ideal). You want him ganking because he has some of the strongest nukes in the game. Maybe the most recent change to tiny will change that because he does not have to have an aghs occupying his slots.

                              Not only does he have high nuke damage already but you can actually make avalanche do almost double the damage with a trick. I am actually shocked more people do not know this or do this. Most of the people on here I am sure know already but for those that dont. You avalanche the enemy and then toss the enemy into avalanche. This causes the damage ticks to reset and apply over again, leading to almost twice the damage of avalanche. Maybe this was fixed at one point but I do not think so.

                              With his crazy ganking powers after a blink dagger I feel he can impact the game much harder by ganking and transiitioning to carry with that gold rather than trying to farm to be that mega carry.

                              Chao Vritra

                                also he can toss enemies under the tower when a creep wave comes. Sounds like a small thing but this is actually huge in the mid lane. I miss being able to toss enemies into the tower...god those were the days...


                                  ^you can do this in the safelane too, and more reliably since most offlaners arent ranged
                                  tiny isnt a nuker anymore, since he never had the mana sustain, and he has a really good scaling right click ability in tree grab now
                                  phase is dumb, arcanes if ur doing support is fine, but there isnt much of a reason to support with him
                                  u dont need to farm on tiny carry
                                  he is an active carry
                                  he makes money through towers and kills
                                  however, ur a shitty midlaner solo because ur slow, u have 0 armor, ur melee, and u dont have the mana to waveclear either
                                  its good with io because he solves like half of ur problems, to be ok solo he wud need to be in a melee vs melee 1v1 in mid and there are almost no other melee mids anymore besides dk and maybe ember (since ember isnt too popular this patch ull encounter him rarely)
                                  you now deal more dmg with tree grab than u do by maxing avalanche toss and hoping u conjure the money for blink dagger or sb out of thin air
                                  he doesnt even have the move speed on his ulti to try to set up ganks
                                  if tiny had mana he cud sustain his spells, but he doesnt
                                  so you dont build around spamming them, even just using tree grab and occasional avalance or toss ull need to ferry clarities
                                  having 0 agi means u cant go phase or arcanes cuz ur attack speed is so dogshit, at least as carry

                                  everyone and their mother knows abt avalanche toss btw

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                                    and he can farm fast now actually