General Discussion

General Discussionhow to acheive 90% win rate as position 7 support

how to acheive 90% win rate as position 7 support in General Discussion

    in legend rank


      Buy 30 obs 50 sentry 10 smokes 5 dusts and no item in inventory and win every game to divine

      And dont lose ever again


        how can you even enjoy playing support in this bracket? lul


          its fun when your carry has at least can lasthit. you can even enable noobs by stacking for them, but its fucking horrendous when in example your sf invests all his farm into orchid and blink, having 1200 hp 25 mintues into the game...

          chicken spook,,,,

            Supporting is fun
            I had times where I played pos 1 like an absolute moron and kept my mmr around 3.5 by playing support