General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion to experienced players on how to practice for late game

Question to experienced players on how to practice for late game in General Discussion

    Every game has an early game.

    Not every game has a late game.

    How do you practice and prepare for late game scenarios? I feel like I don't get enough practice just because I don't have enough opportunities to play late games.

    Early game is relatively simpler. Every game has an early game. And if u do well you snowball and win.

    So in games that it does go late I feel like I don't know what to do. How do you practice for it, Without just playing a Shitton of games?


      u get used to it?
      play dota 2?
      u rnt gonna find a simple answer


        Immedesimate, its a war. (Hope is correct english lol).
        Team play , vision and tactic are the essence of late game.
        A smoke can win you the game.
        A wrong fight can loose it.
        You are 5v5 cooperate and play the best tactic you find out for the situation.
        Cold blood and a multytasking mind are the strongest weapons in the late game. :))
        Just my lesbic 3k cents :)


          I have an idea. How about I throw every early game so I get to play late games more


            Try to spam techies


              St.fu lesbian.

              i have 5 reports to use

                Idk my team usually feeds so I'm forced to play late game anyways haha. Low priority and ranked games usually go late because people don't give up as fast I guess. And their picks are pretty strong usually.

                i have 5 reports to use

                  I consider lvl 20+ to be late game since when you die, you take more than a minute to respawned and that's enough to get your base raxed


                    Better draft wins .


                      Nice topic, I've also wondered how to get lategame experience. The cop-out answer would just be to play more games and learn from every one.
                      I want to try turbo tho, to see if it would be a good lategame simulator, because the game gets there faster


                        Patience grasshopper. Most of the time it is the other team making a mistake and losing the game rather than some sick play winning it.

                        Bill Cutting

                          DOnt haunt into the entire enemy team that’s rushing by yourself and die without buy back like the spectre in my last game

                          Jokes aside nice topic


                            Low priority games always go late cuz ppls dont give up?
                            Seriously this is the Most retarded sentence i ever had to read on this Forum.
                            I cant remember a Single lp game that took longer than 15 min.


                              Its like peoples Spam GG wp After drafting...


                                Maybe I should talk to the afk Farmers in this forum.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Using your brain and think what would their team do and what your team should do

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    notice cooldowns, items, etc and abuse them but that's what you should be doing all the time anyway


                                      Become experienced.

                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                        Stf up ancient scum . Your low mmr make games in lp very easy to win that's for sure


                                          How do you practice for it, Without just playing a Shitton of games?

                                          So you want to practice something but in a way that avoids actually practicing it :thinking:
                                          Play more games.


                                            In a way that's more efficient dog

                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              Jacked 12 hours ago
                                              Maybe I should talk to the afk Farmers in this forum.

                                              EXACTLY . or you can spam spectre and experience it yourself, i dont sugest it though, late game is a shitcast even in rly high mmr brackets, your overall impact get lower and lower since one mistake of one of your team mates , or enemy will prety much decide the game. thats how 90% of late games will end, cause at that point everyone's brain is melting .


                                                Hence, is the right mindset to approach lategame to basically afk as much as possible until someone fucks up? The one that fucks up first loses.

                                                Story Time

                                                  isnt Turbo mode a late game simulator?


                                                    sort of. But game ends too quickly and people don't actually tryhard


                                                      Hmm i would suggest picking a hero that likes to go the late game and has the means to do so. So basically picking anything that delays the game for long enough so that it gets to the later stages e.g. tinker, sniper, kotl etc. On either of these heroes, if you're on the back foot, you just spam your spells like a moron and defend the highground until you're too strong for them beat in a fight.