General Discussion

General Discussion5 versatile heroes for the super trenches

5 versatile heroes for the super trenches in General Discussion

    Hi everyone, so i've just started playing again after a year off, before i left I was callibarated at 1.7k

    I'd like to think i was better than than but obviously i'm not!

    One of my main issues i seem to come across is people not fulfilling their roles properly (i'm no core i usually play a pos 4 or 5) but on occasion i'd like to be able to transition across if for instance the carry doesn't perform etc plus i'd like to limit my hero pool so I can pick 4-5 heroes every time and always have a place for them

    So far I have, Windranger and Venge...

    who else could i play in a multitude of roles?

    Hatsune Miku

      treant - you have a chance to observe how people move around the map + global heal

      kotl - you can push and stop pushes, make sure to work on your positioning so they wont see you channelling



        most common mistake when playing one hero in different roles - have the same item and skillbuild in any role. i wanna kill myself every time i see offlane void purchasing MoM or bf...


          spam zeus ez 3k.
          someone want mid? zeus offlane ez


            how about omni?

            7Mad About You

              i love Silencer. i can go carry build if there is 2 or 3 supports in my team.


                kunkka is a great roaming support and can transition to carry very easily with +40 damage talent and tidebringer. he has 2 stuns and great anti mobility + teamfight


                  The way i got out of "the trench" really quickly was just spamming offlane weaver.

                  (went from 1.5k to 4k in less than a year)

                  It gets hard at around 4k mmr when enemy supports and cores aren't complete retards (just semi-retards) so you can exploit pure skill over your enemies until you reach 4k.

                  Weaver is much like slark in a sense that if enemy feed you, the game is very easy. And enemy supports don't spam sentries either.

                  After that.. well that's for you to figure out.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Anything that can hit tower

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Weaver have enough skillcap for you to toy around detections and counters and isn't as garbage as slark rn
                      Would recommend, although his early csing might be a problem especially in "1v3 farm fight" enviroment


                        there is no 1v3 at 1.7k haha.. unless 3 people fighting over mid


                          I guess you can sum it up to being able to push.

                          It was pretty much playing core out of offlane (which works in anything sub 4k).

                          As for being up against trilanes it's not that big of a problem once you get used to it. People at low ranks don't do it properly.
                          They would usually afk trilane, which means while you might get very little, your team (SHOULD) be fine on their own.
                          They don't realize the balance between how much you should trilane and how much you roam (they don't).


                            weaver offlane is legit in lower mmr, i have 70% winrate in 3k.

                            dont rush linkens though pls, get aquila, medaillon dragonlance and stuff like that.

                            -spirit breaker. i guarantee that up to higher 3k you always get to pick pos 4, no one plays that.

                            literally 1v9, solid and independent laning in all roles 1-3.


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                              Buy meteor hammer


                                May I preach the gospel of support Sniper?
                                In seriousness, you have a good starting point with WR and Venge. Both versatile heroes who can be played both core and support. And like you wanted, WR can transition to core if needed, it's a bit difficult to transition with Venge from supp to core. Other heroes who can supp/core that I could recommend would be Lina, Gyro, Enchantress, and NS. Oh, and Dark Willow.
                                Gl with your grind!
                                Sincerely, a 3K skrub


                                  The thing that is really important about spamming a hero is everything else than the hero.

                                  Once you know a hero well enough and don't have to spend any thought on how to play in a given scenario, you can focus on the things outside of the hero. You can focus on the enemy and what they want to do with their heroes. What do your allies do with their heroes?

                                  And as always use promocode BSJ


                                    My suggestion is always viper. Strong laner with item flexability that scales decently. Mostly a mid but you can play it as a carry or offlaner in low mmr. Very good at punishing greedy lineups and weak lanes.


                                      Pretty sure PA is the ultimate trench warrior


                                        Mirana omni clockwerk visage aaand dark wiillow


                                          i love when ppl pick position 4 mirana and have phasebots aquila maelstrom at 50minutes

                                          if you do that please buy solar crest forcestaff mana boots


                                            honestly what megamna said is most important.

                                            i played sf mid in 1k arguably one of my worst heros and im support player. went 17 4 12. you just have to better


                                              Morph if youre good at him


                                                For starters,

                                                Pos 1 - Drow, Luna, DK, Weaver
                                                Pos 2 - DK, Viper, Sniper, Zeus
                                                Pos 3 - Bristleback, Centaur, Tidehunter
                                                Pos 4 - Spiritbreaker, Treant
                                                Pos 5 - Ogre, Lion, Maiden

                                                I feel these are the heroes that are the least mechanically intensive and are relevant throughout each phase of the game. You can thus focus more on the macro side of the game and focus more on the other details that you may unintentionally left out. Winning or losing shouldn't be the only goal when you are playing, improving yourself should be the ultimate goal. Winning games might not improve your skills, but skills definitely would bring you wins. Learning is a deliberate attempt, with clear objectives, and if you can make every -25 count as a lesson learnt.


                                                  I won't recommend CM and Lion for Pos 5 as starters. First off they are heavily dependent on positioning (which I suppose the lower bracket is lacking) and a poorly positioned CM and Lion will die very easily.

                                                  I recommend Ogre and Venge for pos 5 since they are a bit tanky.


                                                    Axe because them noobs want right clicking carries.


                                                      Anything up to 3k

                                                      1. pick timbersaw
                                                      2. skill reactive armor
                                                      3. profit


                                                        Pa is an insta win only if u pick her in an appropriate situation
                                                        Same with storm
                                                        Also have good success with sven, sf, viper.
                                                        Also have some pocket last pick insta win type heroes like I mentioned, that work for u, examples wud be shit like huskar or od, brood, pl.


                                                          no man jacked-god is correct

                                                          pa in low mmr is literally god mode, theres a reason its banned every game

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