General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier is underrated at 1k mmr

Pangolier is underrated at 1k mmr in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Srsly rolling thunder, swashbuckles and shield crush are all insane, why he is so rarely picked?

    Also I think arcane boots are great on him and people should consider them over pt

    Forget me not

      You need to consider just using brown boots until 20+ min where you'll be getting travel.


        as long as the pros dont play him nobody will use a proper itembuild. deal with it.
        i agree manaboots are best choice for him. also i'd buy euls, force and dagon on him every game if i just played him

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          What about perservance into aghs into boots?


            skip boots until 40min
            aghs seems legit on a hero who clearly benifits from stats but doesnt have an aghs effect
            perservance can be built into bf later and the regen helps for sure

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              I think going another perservance will be better


                I have 4 great games with him offlane, but I lost all because reasons feesbadman gun


                  being played like ppl do right now he doesnt do what you need your offlaner to do in 90% of your games - frontline
                  hes an in/out kind of hero.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    I uses him as a very mobile disruptor, his ult have pretty short cd so I initiate with that, with shield crush to slow them he is really good disruptor. Using swashbuckles to get bursts and reposition myself, shield crush after the ult is over is really useful when diving towers since it gives physical resistance, with additional help he is good diver early

                    Instead of building him tanky or right clicker, I build him to be as much nuisance as possible
                    Rolling thunder into blink into shield crush is very strong initiation
                    Getting a javelin, even 2, can dish tons of damage with swashbuckles. One of them can be upgraded to skullbasher for almost guaranteed bash on one hero

                    If can be afforded, also diffusal can be great, additional slow, and the mana burn from swashbuckles is great

                    I think he excel at being a roamer or an early active offlaner, he needs to constantly be feared on the map, he has very strong ganking tools, so he should be somewhat like pudge or riki in applying pressure and forcing the enemies to play reactively

                    He is somewhat like riki or a roamer monkey king before he became carry, you build damage instead of the orthodox support items


                      i'd say hes better as position 2 honestly

                      Lruce Bee

                        Pangolier is a difficult hero to master as it is hard to control him during his roll. You could just end up stuck against a wall and do no damage. Best to stay away.


                          blinkdagger solves that problem completely


                            He’s fun I guess. And he’s a give no fucks type of hero. With propper itemization he’s hard as shit to kill, like almost puck level hard. I like euls, he can do all his damage without attacking anyways, and euls give him all he wants. Don’t pick him if you lack conventional offlaner qualities from your team


                              hit somebody with ult - euls yourself - hit him again

                              yes, erick is a memer, but watch this shit

                              Justin Weaver

                                Lmao why would you ever build anything other than four naked javelins and brown boots plus blink on pango?

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  Because damage isn't everything?
                                  Basher and diffusal are great disruptors


                                    This hero is good because u can do so much
                                    With blink euls u can win every team fight if ur good
                                    With javelins diffusal u do insane burst dmg
                                    With vanguard or hood or halberd u become so tanky
                                    U can do way too much with the hero imo