General Discussion

General DiscussionTea Break

Tea Break in General Discussion
Story Time

    Why are tea breaks in dota are not common? It is almost impossible to ask enemies and team mates to have a tea pause after 70 mintues of the game, eventhough eeveryone will benefit from a little break for toilet, tea, matumbaration, or what ever makes them happy and relaxed. I do not understand humanity... Can we ask Vavle to make ingame breaks after 1-2 hour to be automatic so all 10 players will have to wait for 5-10 minutes to continue?


      No fack off


        70 min games 1 in 30 and u want break pls dc as a carry and see ur team cry


          half time in dota maybe?


            I live in America (fuk yeah) and we don't have this thing called "tea" break. We take break to beat our wives and drink pint of whiskey.


              Nah gg we lost anyway

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                you can try to pause nothing stops you from that
                but people will simply unpause

                in term of mechanics, nothing stops you from having that pause


                  chance to have the enemy team NOT unpause is increased when:

                  - eu west
                  - normal behavior score
                  - tell them that you need to get a new beer really quick
                  - say thx in advance before you disconnect

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Just say something like "guys we're 70 minutes into the game, we all need to stand up abit and get some rest and pee, let's pause for 10 minutes for us all"

                    I don't see why they would disagree, anyone needs some rest


                      they wanna finish, thats why


                        I pay in caffe so i rarely pause and relax before next que


                          i said i wanted FUCKING MEATLOAF
                          Kappa 1 2 3

                          Manhattan Cafe

                            seems like a good idea ;)

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              We play until we drop dead that's the thrill

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                Well my internet also dropped dead few times

                                Manhattan Cafe

                                  the lag is killing


                                    I would unpause the second you paused

                                    If I am beyond 60 minutes in a game and it sees no ending I would probably yolo rush down mid anyway and perma insult the guy who picked sniper/techie/thinker


                                      that will deconcentrate you obviously , games that go 70 mins + will need u to be fully concentrated , be cause everyone is farmed and 6 sloted , and then comes skill , good positioning and every move in every fight with 0.1 sec timing can cost you the game



                                          Why don't you say something like, sorry guys net problem, then pause, then dc, then get your satisfying 5 mins tea break.

                                          (SMURF) 5k

                                            1st of all 70 min game means cancers in both teams and there should not be any stupid breaks for this madness


                                              Silly idea for pubs. Makes sense in competitive perhaps.

                                              Most people make sure they have at least 90mins free for a game. After queuing/selection etc. there’s going to be plenty of players who are running short on time after 70mins of a game. Best just do some kamikaze do or die thing and get the game over and done with.

                                              Story Time

                                                well, I picked this idea from poker tournaments online, where they apparently have a break every hour for 5 min. You understand that asking teammates and enemies for a pause that will be beneficial for everyone makes no sense, they just unpause. But it is actually easy to implement that option in the game. Automatic option is good, but even better, there could be a voting option - when all 10 players vote with majority for a pause. In that case everyone will know that 5 min will be guaranteed and accepted by all.

                                                PS Normal pause sucks also because no one is sure that it will last as long and others will not unpause


                                                  Poker is different because the tourneys can last longer than 5hrs