General Discussion

General DiscussionAn alternative philosophy to item builds

An alternative philosophy to item builds in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    we are all already aware of the 'standard' builds advocated by pros and guides all around. these mantras are often received by the masses like dogma. im also well aware that i may not be the best player in the world (i dont put in the effort to play seriously, nor do i have the time or energy to practice last hitting, nor do i have the patience to coordinate well with my team). perhaps this advice could serve to help people in similar predicaments as me. let's open our minds and mix some good theory with logic and see what we get.

    rushing battlefury on a carry

    how do you lane in a dual carry lane, against a less greedy offlane? i was spectre in this game.

    what is the point of wasting starting gold on regen and struggling to get any farm in lane? get a quelling blade and some branches. save the gold. get your perseverance early for sustain. hit he jungle and farm your ring of health fast. you can get it really quickly if you dont waste your gold on starting items recommended by valve. after perseverance, you can spam dagger to help your farm.

    result? battlefury in 15 mins and subsequently accelerated farm from 15 mins onwards.

    don't let people tell you that you need to stay in lane on a weak laner, buy tons of regen and whilst getting no farm, and further delaying your big items. you need farm and big items to have a positive impact as a carry. in that game i managed 363 cs (very respectable) as a spectre because of an early battelfury.

    i do admit this may not be suitable in all games, but just consider it if you have another carry in your lane and you have no laning ability.

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      Nice shitpost jacked


        raj wtf im not han.

        nice post though. flawless logic rigt there. i shall try it in my games


          It's quite impressive that you managed to win that game tbh.


            U do realize that ur enemy offlaner can harass u while u dont have ring and will eventually die delay ur items and give offlaner exp and money. A carry without boots and only a battlefury has no kill potential. U do realize that battlefury is a farming item .


              And for that spectre game ur so squishy that a good offlaner can easily kill u and spec needs to be tanky to maximise her passives and q for farming even after u have qblade is so dumb omg.


                Ur performance in that match was so bad still u post this shit omg.

                Lruce Bee


                  Well we still managed to win despite a disadvantageous early game due to staying calm and composed, ignoring teammates incessant calls to do completely incorrect and inefficient moves, and farming well on a hero that farms fast. Once I had a couple of big items it really didn't matter what I did, i was too strong for them.

                  Darth, I implore you, look beyond kda, a carry's job is to find farm and get big items and win the game. Too many people get so fixated on kda as a measure of skill even though it doesn't win you the game. I'll bet you didn't even watch the game, just looked at the overview, and assumed my performance was bad. How is that fair analysis? It looks bad on you in fact. This post is about farm and how to get good farm anyway.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    yes but you were completly irrelevant that game. you did no tower or hero dmg compared to your team. you played some singleplayer rpg^^

                    Hatsune Miku

                      why did you buy daedalus?

                      Hatsune Miku

                        and how did the team carry lose the game

                        Lruce Bee

                          Hatsune, Daedalus is pretty much the cheapest damage item around and is usually core if you are a carry. By definition, you are meant to output large amount of dps.

                          Fee Too Pee

                            no way this guy is serious right?

                            This guy probably is just like our legend phantom riki that trolled the forum


                              I have to admit you're naturally gifted to be retarded.

                              You're one of a kind.

                              Holy shit, I can't believe someone can be as retarded as you.

                              Lruce Bee

                                No way this guy is serious? I don't know about you guys, but I'm just penning down my thoughts casually and just generally open to discussion. The logic of my statements are fairly self-explanatory. Though I don't expect everyone to accept my ideas, berating them and calling them "retarded" or "trolling" is just confusing. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here. A lot of professionals would probably be able to understand what I'm trying to get at.

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  Because the result is self-explanatory m8

                                  Do you kill anyone?
                                  Do you hit building hard?
                                  Do you actually helping to win?

                                  The answer is all no

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    Did you watch the game? How do you measure game impact just by looking at the game summary, when as I mentioned I was busy farming and that ensured that I was a potent force in the late game? Imagine if I had spent 40 mins trying to kill someone and hit buildings with no farm on a hero that does zero damage in early and mid game. This is where stats lie HARD. They don't show the game-deciding, last 5 mins of performance, which was a result of 40 mins of preparation. I could have the same score and zero farm, and I would've lost. But I didn't. How many people can say they know how to get a 15 min battlefury? That timing was crucial IMO.

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      he doesnt have boots HASHUDAHUDASd HAHAHHAHAH wth


                                        LOL what in the world

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          What's the issue here? You have a game plan, and you stick to it. Build your skills around what you want to achieve. I had no intention in fighting early on that game. I focused on my farm so I focused more on my second and third skill. Didn't see how ult would help me farm here. Another example of using logic and not blindly follow builds.

                                          Tu tayta


                                            Stats can lie, you say? Well, stats here say that the only game where you weren't deadweight for your team was an "Unknown skill" game with an abandoner in the opposite team.




                                              Its not a single issue thats for sure

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                There is a big difference between:

                                                "Focus on farming" and "Losing your early game completely because you are rushing big items without early items"


                                                  im 98% sure HanSolo is a jacked alt acct trolling


                                                    0 impact in game, lol

                                                    rain markcawat

                                                      Agreed with han . His decision to farm those crucial item really change the tide of the game . Thus, making an unwinable game to an ez game


                                                        Im amazed that your winrate is above 50%


                                                          Tombstone on death 2.0

                                                          This might be a contender for the best shitpost of 2018.


                                                            Apparently his logic here is making raw damage on a fucking spectre with crit


                                                              Dude do u knw how spec works se gets radiance for damage/farming thats it s/he already has 2 damage inflicting spell. U build tanky items so u can return damage upon ur foes . Pls stop shitposting ur theories defy the laws, pls watch pro players when they are having bad time laning they will rather have more sustaining items early than farming items. And as for ur game analysis i pretty sure i nailed it u were carried by tinker and clink u had no hero/bld damage. The only use they had was ur slow and our ult for vision.

                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                ^^Did you actually read anything he has written? There's no specific item build for any hero in the game (maybe on am) we can try anything and everything, item build varies according to situation, Spectre doesn't have to necessarily build tank items to win every game. You try different builds and find one which is suitable for your game play, so instead of roasting a guy with your 1k brain just read and play more Dota. Jeez so much hate in this forum!


                                                                  1st of all 2k not 1k pls.
                                                                  New builds fine battlefury and shadow balde not fine. U need to itemize according to the spells of the hero and his/her stats which defines a hero. U make tanky items for a spec beacaue it maximises the utilisation of spec's passive but u dont go for battlefury .Ur no 4k/5k player who can teach me 1.5k difference is a lot but still that dosent make u a genius.

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                                                                  Justin Weaver

                                                                    Nobody is teaching you anything son! What is the need of raging at the guy for no reason? I don't understand that logic. There is nothing wrong with battlefury if that's the item he wants to farm with, and there's nothing wrong with shadowblade if that's the item he wants to escape with, 1.5k may not make me a genius but it makes me a better player than you, if you were any good you would have calibrated at divine or at least the max mmr cap 3.5 maybe? U didn't right?

                                                                    Justin Weaver

                                                                      90% core player with 400 gpm seems fine to me, wp wp


                                                                        What Deleted is saying makes some sense... There is a lot of hate on these forums. But part of that is because of shit posters like these, that are so clearly just trolling.

                                                                        Certain builds that are seen as a norm, are seen that way for a reason. They work!!
                                                                        Does that mean you can't variate from that build? No, but don't be an idiot and build items that won't help you in any way and then try to look like some innovative genius, while in actuality you are just a troll.

                                                                        BF Weaver?!?!

                                                                        Justin Weaver

                                                                          I'm pretty much sure Han solo has good knowledge of the game, he is a troll for sure

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                          Disturbed Jawker

                                                                            I find it hilarious you guys are shitting on Han his builds are the future. Saw SingSong stream and he said that he watches three of his games every night before sleeping since his innovation in item choices helps him to think OUT OF THE BOX.

                                                                            Im behind you Han.


                                                                              i still see some logic on spectre bf, but on weaver? please give me some insight han


                                                                                ^New meta

                                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                                  Look, if you know my playstyle, I like heroes that spam their spells. Perseverance is an important item to pick up for the mana regen especially on a hero like weaver. The decision is really simple, there's no need to overthink it. I was deciding between stats or damage. So to build linkens or demon edge into battlefury. I felt I was lacking damage and didn't need the stats. A lot of people forget that battlefury is not just a farming item on melee heroes, but a damage item as well.

                                                                                  the same philosophy applies. Decide what you need and build accordingly. I didn't need stats at the time when I had sufficient escape and manoeuvrability. Late game you just build heart and you become unkillable. What else do you build your perseverance into?

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    ^sir han a linkin could have saved u from dk 3sec stun and duel could have made desolator because dk has high armour, pls explain again sir.


                                                                                      Is he the same infamous guy who reco perseverance and aghs scepter on UD?

                                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                                        Darth I'm aware of those spells. Like I said, I need the mana regen + damage. I knew I could play around duel if I was fast enough with my w (and I was many times). So I decided to go for that option instead of the easier one.

                                                                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                                          I remember one 7k lad in the forum telling me whatever works for you, stick with it. Until it stops working. Words to live by. 1/2k pubs is a very different battleground. Unconventional things work more effectively than the cookie cutter recommended builds made under the assumption that 'farm space' is a thing. It is NOT in those brackets.


                                                                                            In higher brackets the enemy dosnt allow u to farm and in lower brackets ur team dosent allow u to farm.


                                                                                              ^ya exactly. Now you are understanding hans decision making. Basically boys in low mmr everything works thats it. But he cant try the same build in 5k mmr and expect to win or not get raged, besides i think in low mmr its more feasible to execute unconventional builds.

                                                                                              Tu tayta

                                                                                                There is "unconventional build" and there is "building Battlefury on Weaver".


                                                                                                  this guys living in 2180 building bf on spectre so he can farm a bootless daedalus


                                                                                                    in lower brackets ur team dosent allow u to farm

                                                                                                    in lower bracket people just mindlessly mill around and decide randomly when to cast spells or gank, people “give up” on farm instead of trying to recover and tp scroll is used to get to ur t1 when u die

                                                                                                    ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                      The things is the build only work on his tier,let him have fun with that build and he will realize that he is a retard when the build doesnt work anymore

                                                                                                      Edit:and i think this guy has the same lvl of retardness as the undying tombstone for warding-perseverance rushing by the other Hansolo guy

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