General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck blademail. (on lc)

Fuck blademail. (on lc) in General Discussion

    im bored, so i share my recent experience on lc.
    shes by farm my most played hero with huge success. i feel able to carry big parts of my games as offlaner when i pick that hero.

    2 lc games yesterday

    our legend stack vs 3 ancients playing the cores. mid called gg before the game started. enemy supports were crusaders.
    couldnt step into my lane to get lasthits vs medusa ogre plus silencer roaming. ogre stun into snake, 75% of my hp gone in a second. soaked some exp, cleared some neutrals, got a kill mid when they tried to gank my sf. pudge came top, i gave him lane for exp (i didnt wanna be there anyway lul), came in from the side to kill the supports when i saw an opportunity.

    as medusa doesnt deal alot of dmg early on compared to her amount of tankynes, and no other rightclicker being in the game, i skipped blademail. no hard disables, only one stun on their team, no bkb or aghs needed aswell. qop didnt start building linkens, so no halbert needed.
    i went for ac first. almost 100 duel dmg at 20min. some attack speed on top = i can actually kill the medusa, altho i only dueled her once at the end of the game. bought mkb on top. disregard the basher, i picked that up while fountaincamping

    lane vs bloodseeker and shadow shaman. i took alot of dmg but didnt leave the lane. whenever i saw bs using bloodrage to cs i drop a Q on him. died a few times but managed to interrupt his farm alot.
    meanwhile timbersaw destroying my safelaner and threatening our tier 2.
    i decided to disregard the bloodseeker, who would be dead in any case if dueled with blademail, and itemize for the timbersaw as nobody else could deal with him.
    at the point i got my desolator the networth graph turns. timber couldnt do much anymore but kept playing like he was unkillable, fed me some good duels. i needed either pudge or gyro beind me to kill him tho.
    to deal with the clock, who actually had more armor than me at that point, i bought ac again. blademail throws my dmg back as physical, armor deals with that. meanwhile gyro finally had space to farm. bloodseeker btw started roaming nonstop at level 6, hungering for kills, not getting many. his best play was my pudge hooking me when ruptured. he bought dagon and radiance. legend 5 player OmagaLUL
    again no bkb/aghs needed, the shaman didnt interrupt me even once

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      I don't know about tou, but I never looked at lc as damage dealer, she is a lockdown against key pickoffs. Being able to disable an enemy and take him down

      So I generally prefer a more pressure oriented build on her, so blademail imo is a must, alongside with blink and when rich, shadow blade and bkb

      AC imo is good, not for being damage dealer but as an aura holder, it gives her very nice armor and she loves being in teamfights to get duel off, makes her good aura carrier after what I consider cores on her

      But I don't think she is a good dpser, she can't kite, she isn't reliable, and she doesn't have farming steroids, as well as she doesn't scale too much (yea yea "infinite scaling"), late game she can threat towers after getting nice amount of duel victories, but she is not a good damage dealer


        no reason for a blademail when the one strong enemy doesnt care about reflected dmg
        will probably still buy in in 90% of my games, just in those 2 games it was not a good choice


          mkb rush is the most dps u will get from an item build

          Lruce Bee

            Blademail is pretty much core. You don't go damage like deso. Stuff that tanks you up is alright (armlet bkb aghs). But don't think you get AC till after your cores items. Blink blademail shadowblade


              wait, now YOU are telling me to build the same old cookie cutter build every game every situation? that escalated quickly

              no reason for a blademail when there is no dmg to return
              oh and i almost never buy shadowblade on legion. i probably would if i bought treads, but with the phaseboots its not needed

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                I also prefer phase, but I really like sb

                And no I am not someone who builds sb on everything and think that invis is broken, infact if someone buys invis against me I'll make sure that his ass would be dusted every time he shows his face

                But I do think that sb is a really good pressure item, the fact that you may be behind someone invisible at any moment is forcing tons of pressure from the enemies, and allows you to lead ganks. Not a core item but after you got your necessary items (like blink, blademail, etc'), yes I think that's a great luxury on her

                Also items like helbard, ac, hood, crest, nullifier, and even abyssal and mkb can be great depending on the game

                But again, I don't like lc built as a dpser, she provides tons of utility, but she isn't a reliable right clicker


                  my usual build is blink blademail halbert aghs bkb.
                  yes, i even stack aghs and bkb in the same game sometimes. just to make sure you dont die right after the duel and either kill another enemy or get out.
                  the lack of a reason to buy blademail recently made me think. that item wouldnt have changed anything in those 2 games.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    I really dislike aghs, it makes your enemy 100 damage resistant to outside sources, so you can't ambush with the team anymore, it makes you pretty much play solo, and as I said lc is a great utility provider, so that's imo a big waste

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                    Lruce Bee

                      Well it could be because I'm not an LC player. I've not developed much variation in the build.


                        I think that if you can get a couple of early duels and are ahead you can skip blademail. or if your opponents just don't have any rightclick damage. To note I do prefer a more carry oriented playstyle.


                          theres rarely a hero in my legion games that i cant kill late without my team helping me.

                          the aghs makes it so that i take one hero, usually the initiator or a backliner, out of the fight. only a very few heroes can interrupt aghs duel, and even if, they cant use their bkb piercing spell on my carry or mid. i will ofc not duel a troll warlord or a spectre who is 5k net ahead of me when i have an aghs, thats just a bad idea.

                          @howtonoob6 show me the account where you play legion please

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                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            I am not playing lc, but I do know how she plaus and have played with lc in my team

                            That's my only account


                              well according to this... please go check my profile if you didnt do that yet

                              i might just be on a trip and experience legion like 1-2k players do when they jungle and buy sb before boots, snowballing af because nobody buys sentries. anyway i feel like i can solo carry any game playing tresdin right now. and being able to skip the blademail accelerates that


                                Kudos to playing lc the right way. She is definitely a strong 3 that can transit to a high damage dealer later into the game. And by that I meant structure damage as she can be really disgustingly stacked in damage.

                                I too, agree Blademail to be more situational as a core item but that depends on how I plan to play in that game. If I need to initiate and jump first then perhaps Blademail into BKB will work but if I'm playing a little greedier and more opportunistic I find Armlet Halberd into AC pretty viable. I'm a fan of Aghs on her tbh, especially if I know I can win anyone in a duel but vulnerable to enemy spells, but skipping BKB cuz of Aghs is not an excuse.

                                LC is very similar to Pudge I feel, being opportunistic in positioning and all about taking one enemy out of the fight. All the hate is coming from people who do not play her properly. And never underestimate her PTA which applies a strong dispel which makes her a very strong utility too.

                                Story Time

                                  i am so tired of LC's players who think that their job is to collect damage, just like paranoid maniacs... in 4 out of 5 cases her job is to lockdown and to initiate, also bring her utility skills with, like dispell. Collecting damage is a way to disaster most of the time.


                                    duel dmg is not what i aim for, but the result of any advantage i had and any good play i made in the game. why not make use of it by building up attackspeed and stacking some negative armor vs tanks like dusa and timbersaw in games where nobody in your team can deal with them

                                    Story Time

                                      ^in vhs games that applies to safelane LC mostly aas he can and has to play this role


                                        rofl you normal skills players are something else


                                          wtf is the point of picking lc against heroes that u dont want to abuse blademail against

                                          the other thing blademail does is make the allies of the person ur dueling hesistate to kill u and turn on u.


                                            its this simple lads more damage = more fun

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              In a lot of pro games LC is drafted as a potential damage dealer anyways. She's never counted on, but if she can get tons of duel damage, then she's often pretty much pos 1 at that point, and pros play around her like that. You don't plan this (unless you're rtz or some shit), you just play regularly and hope you're successful.

                                              BTW AC first is generally pretty stupid. If you need armor + attack speed + damage, getting a much earlier armlet is way better in basically every case. Nobody rushes a 5.5k gold item like that. You can get AC afterwards, ofc, and blademail is not core on this hero, even though it's one of the two heroes it's best on.

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                                                BM sucks against if the enemy line-up doesn't care about reflected damage. Armlet and Desolator can replace BM fully in these cases. However, I think the main problem with LC isn't which item who builds, but the poor mentality of players who always activate BM, use Press the Attack, hit out of Shadow Blade if they have one, toggle Armlet AND use Overwhelming Odds despite LC still winning the duel if she just press R and click on the enemy. LC with 100 Duel Damage at level 15, wielding Blademail and Desolator against Shadow Shaman at level 11 with Eul. Do you really need to use every trick possible to win this duel, other than just blink in and duel him?

                                                At low-level skills, these pro wanabe kills themselves by doing so, costing precious mana and allowing the enemy more window to escape.


                                                  Anyway, the fact you won means you played correctly.

                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                    ac first item i stopped reading. no point