General Discussion

General Discussionhow to make legends know their place

how to make legends know their place in General Discussion

    solo ranked and legend first picking core and they are so fucking bad
    how to make them know that they are just legend scrub


      You should first pick core and show them how it’s done

      Friendly player

        Legends are the same people as archon just that they think they are way better at the game than anyone else so they pick shit they don't know how to play or first pick sf and loose miserably.


          How to make ancients know their place

          solo ranked and legend first picking core and they are so fucking bad
          how to make them know that they are just ancient scrub


            Ancient is just another scrub

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              The fact that you are presumably higher mmr doesn't mean you are automatically set to play core


                Ancient [2] played high skill games and complaint about legend player but in fact ure the same or worst than them . How much did you drop your mmr ? q:^)


                  I'm Legend and I usually pick support, what does that make me :(

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    I'm guardian and i pick support more often than you ^


                      i make ancients know their place all the time

                      Potato Marshal

                        You WERE higher MMR than them, the fact that you're matched up with them in solo ranked means that you're clearly not better than them.


                          i never drop mmr lol i calibrated at this medal

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Pick core and rekt em hard


                              Lol. You cant tell people what they want to play. You should know that Dota is a game and game must be enjoyed.


                                And there is a bug on medals. Because one of friend have same mmr as me he have ancient 1 medal.


                                  Medals don't drop even though MMR does. You could have ancient 3, around 4.5K MMR, drop to 2K, and it will still show ancient 3.

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    Your estimated MMR is 3.5k, I think the system just gifted someone a medal he doesn't deserve here :)


                                      Yes, the core position should always be reserved for you JOHN666 (ancient 2 GOD of dota) i dont even understand how do these puny legends dare to take it away from you.


                                        ey im at 3.5k too can you guys check if i did bad on my matches...




                                            man i really doesnt deserve my win


                                              Its pointless, because retard never learn.

                                              1.They never listen.
                                              2.They never trying to be a good player.
                                              3.They only know 1 thing if they win its because of him, if they lose its because of the noob team.
                                              4.They always pick core role and feed and if he is super retard he will starting to blame other.

                                              Based on experience, if you meet the condition as i said at above just move on, you cant argue with people like that. No cure for retardness :D


                                                @Friendly Player
                                                You never climbed in the 3k bracket and you continue to give bullshit suggestions.
                                                must be autism

                                                Friendly player

                                                  I am not giving any advice. i have played against many legend players and they are dogshit at this game, that's just what i see.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    yes man you're so good, must be top eu

                                                    Friendly player

                                                      I didn't say that... lol

                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                        Lot of Legend players carried me to victory.

                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                          Lot of Legend players carried me to victory.

                                                          Can confirm.



                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Apparently everyone on dota is "dogshit" according to every snowflake on dotabuff. It's a game treat it like a game, people will play whatever the fuck they want to and you can't stop them. #freedom


                                                              Don’t tell me what to do!


                                                                solo ranked and divine 5 first picking core and they are so fucking bad
                                                                how to make them know that they are just divine scrub

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  Having looked at a lot of ancient gameplay, I feel it doesn't look very different from legend. Ancients seem to still lack a fundamental understanding of Dota. They are just better executors and tunnel less.

                                                                  Leam Tiquid

                                                                    you all are scrub because you are not a professional player so dont blame fuck you


                                                                      Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                                                        ^mods ban him please, ty.

                                                                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                          ^^ @howtonoob6 : I'm legend and i pick support more often than you ^^

                                                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                            :O impossible

                                                                            idk what half the champio...

                                                                              the best way to deal with legends stealing ur role when they are 500 mmr lower then you is accept that the game is already over and either play entirely for fun or run down mid.


                                                                                how does one queue without a full stack of friends and expect to get to play the role he wants to

                                                                                imo ancients are even worse. they think they were shit when they were legends and made it to the roof now, but they didnt.


                                                                                  Doesn't matter if ur legend or ancient. There a noobs in all bracket and u can't do anything about it just try ur best n hope u would win.
                                                                                  (Note: medal is the biggest glitch in the dota history they don't make any sense I hope valve fix this ASAP.Only MMR is what matters)

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    The brainless people who are 1k 2k whatever should stop giving advice to the people who has higher skills than they do

                                                                                    idk what half the champio...

                                                                                      Had a legend 1 first pick invoker when we had a divine 0 and an ancient 0 (me) on our team, as expected the game was over from minute 1. Love dota 2


                                                                                        Had a legend 1 first pick invoker when we had a divine 0 and an ancient 0 (me) on our team, as expected the game was over from minute 1. Love dota 2

                                                                                        thats why always lose if ur brain think like that SAD

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          heat legend

                                                                                          Justin Weaver

                                                                                            @mmr wanderer, nice ancient player with high skilled games, if you are getting legends while you are fucking ancient, it means you don't deserve your medal, you are just another legend player son!

                                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                              ^Lmao I'm Ancient 1 and I've been playing with Guardians and Archons since I came back after christmas vacation *uninstalls*


                                                                                                i am legend i 1v1 u 2 0 5 min