General Discussion

General DiscussionItems for safe lane SF

Items for safe lane SF in General Discussion

    Im a safelane player and i hate playing mid and i want to use sf but what items should i prioritize? Should i go for drums too? Right click item or veil?


      Aquila/Treads/Lance/Shadowblade & then what you need if you're decent you have everything by 15m with a stacked large camp.


        ring of repick


          soul ring


            you just don't Fucking play SF safelane for a reason. Fuck off

            O SIDE MUFFLER

              Dont fucking care bout what you think DAWN u idiot i was asking for builds u idiot u fuck off

              O SIDE MUFFLER

                Pike>manta>bfly or pike>manta>mjollnir?



                  O SIDE MUFFLER

                    Very good. No wonder why there's no improvement in the dota community in terms of search for sensible answers.


                      Same shit I guess. Maybe don’t go spell dmg since you’re not mid. Madness maybe


                        If you ask for builds to play supports as carries or anything that you're not supposed to do what do you expect


                          He’s just one of those i want to play venomancer carry retards who ruin ur games


                            Ee is playing safelane sf i believe


                              Yes EE not 2 k trash

                              O SIDE MUFFLER

                                Cancer alert cancer alert noob dawn idiot

                                O SIDE MUFFLER

                                  Negative win rate on mid heroes DAWN idiot DONT play dota no more idiot


                                    slahsers way is the only way

                                    주 롄양

                                      op mad coz no answer found is dumb af

                                      sf going safelane only bcz he got countered if going mid, if not u r retarded




                                          just same shit with soul ring


                                            Aquila treads into right click. I don’t believe bloodstone is good on a hero like sf.


                                              why wud u build different items cuz ur in a different lane?
                                              only fucking sumail went veil on magic sf anyway and he failed at it tbh


                                                I want to play antimage offlane. Can i get some builtsuggestions?

                                                See why dawn is right? Sf is no safelaner.


                                                  Sf is no safelaner.
                                                  Sf is no safelaner coz some clueless players said so? OK
                                                  Just coz he is 99% used in the middle lane, doesnt mean he is bad at safelane.
                                                  He farms fast, scales well. Why wouldnt u want to put him on safelane? On top of that he can solo shit on most offlaners so you can leave him alone and win other lanes on top of that.
                                                  I want to play antimage offlane. Can i get some builtsuggestions?
                                                  Antimage on the other hand does not function without farm and does not offer what "offlaners" offer to the game. If you were to put antimage on offlane he will most likely be completely useless sack of shit.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    waow imma compare playing a 2 as a 1 to playing a 1 as a 3 WeSmart


                                                      treads, aquila(or drums if you got another aquila carrier), sould ring, magic wand, bkb. Then build what you need to win the game, like in all other sf games



                                                        Well he is no safelaner, cause he needs LVL's. In scenarios he CAN played safelane, since he is able to 1v1 against many -if not most- offlaners.

                                                        But he is for sure not a classic safelane hero, that is set up with 1-2 supports to farm mainly the first 12-15 min of the game.


                                                          Well even if there is a classic carry like antimage, if his supports get him ahead enough of offlaner he can be left alone to win other lanes. It is not written in stone that supports should babysit safelaner for 10min

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            I'm sure safelane SF is fine I used to play it quite often back in the day as a counterpick to dark seer. I'd probably build the same items as mid sf, going either tread drum sny or tread eul blink.


                                                              If I can play invoker offlane in 2k this guy can sure as hell play sf in safe lane. You stupid kids just wanna follow the pros when in fact you don't need that written-in-stone shit for low mmr. Build whatever the fuck you want

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                I have seen decent people going SF in the safe lane. So as long as you are fine with this hero, you should have no problem with it.

                                                                SF has strong harass and kill potential early on. With a support, he can zone out the offlaner quite well.

                                                                Shadow blade seems like a good item to rush, since you will have more last hits for fewer levels.

                                                                This should be followed by Dragon Lance, either Sange and Yasha or Desolator. Build mainly damage, not utility. Late game, get the usual Butterfly and Skadi.

                                                                Never attempt Blink Dagger, Eul Scepter, Aghanim Scepter or Drum when playing SF in the safe lane.


                                                                  Just don’t play it like EE

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    o god
                                                                    my eyes
                                                                    why wudnt u get them?
                                                                    if ur mid is a dusa or smth u can definitely take a backseat in carrying and take a more pickoff oriented magic build


                                                                      He farm really fast on safelane and he can stack the hard camp by himself. Why do safelane sf lack in xp? It should be the other way around


                                                                        just play sf mid ez lane ez levels


                                                                          Washed up.

                                                                          You can see the video to know why BD and Eul are highly situational on SF. If there are 2 enemy there, the whole combo falls apart. This build takes up 2 slots while giving zero damage, and SF can farm very fast, which means Eul will have to go soon. Eul also gives SF way too much mana. Either Aquila Ring and Bottle or Arcane Boots from supports should give SF all the mana he needs.

                                                                          With Medusa, you should avoid magic build altogether. You want to ult into stone statues with 100% damage resistance?


                                                                            ^ ez IM FUCKING GETTING DIVED BY 4 RETQRDAS AGANJ DR INDBHSIW

                                                                            O SIDE MUFFLER

                                                                              Washed up really a bulldog fangay omegalul monkagiga


                                                                                Do not play SF as a safe lane. You ARE NOT EE. Keep this in your mind or you'll MMR.


                                                                                  No bibotot
                                                                                  You can euls combo if there r 2, as long as u euls the one with a stun


                                                                                    You don't need to build too much dmg early game cuz razes carry you.
                                                                                    Euls does give a lot of Mana which is why u can skip bottle and get drums instead. With Aquila drums clarities raindrops and euls u don't have to rely on teammates for Mana.


                                                                                      Bloodstone into dagon definitely


                                                                                        Play traditional safe lane heroes and fuck off


                                                                                          ^never adapt or come up with new ideas to make a stale game fun and fuck off


                                                                                            ^Throwing games is fun cause u want to play “SafeLane SF”
                                                                                            Cool man, enjoy the next troll you get in ur ranked game who wants to follow this dude and play safelane SF
                                                                                            And please do share how much “Fun” is that

                                                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                              i rather play with safelane sf than your shitty mid sf


                                                                                                lmfao why wud i be throwing with it
                                                                                                im not saying "ayy lmao play spectre as a roamer"
                                                                                                because that WOULD be throwing

                                                                                                if ur too dense to see that a traditionally pos 2 hero can be in the safelane then ur actually braindead and have no idea abt dota

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                  could it be: a safelane hero that doesnt get shit on by enchantress and instead rapes her??

                                                                                                  yes just treads aquila (sb) sny/pike butter/SE bkb AC/skadi/satanic

                                                                                                  spam clarities


                                                                                                    troll build is a low ms low armor hero with no escape against trilane

                                                                                                    putting a high damage hero with flash farm that needs items as pos 1 instead of 2 is barely worth commenting on, especially since raze is much less level dependent now


                                                                                                      after the most recent patch sf should be played as a roamer. so much dmg with razes

                                                                                                      O SIDE MUFFLER

                                                                                                        I believe sf can build items like tb does