General Discussion

General DiscussionThe problem with supporting in lower skill bracket

The problem with supporting in lower skill bracket in General Discussion
    This is the account my friend bought me, so I can carry him to ancient. I recently carried him from crusader to legend, using a legend account. It went smoothly until the skill level difference disappeared as our mmr raised up.(If you are wondering why I’m doing this stupid shit, I get paid.) This is the game I want to show you guys. it’s the only game I’ve lost. I played roaming support pudge, I created a over 10k xp lead for my team at 17min by simply abusing vision and killing enemy heroes. After 17min I can no longer do that(Pudge’s damage doesn’t scale that well) My team just kept farming and dying, and threw all that lead away. Not a single person has the sense of objective gaming. They would ever push before they get all the items they want. In this case they never did. In all my other games, I either picked a hero that pushes well or a hero that can kill everyone, so my teammates can clearly see, that it’s time to push. But the players I met wasn’t any different, they kept playing their own games until I literally shout in the mic like 5 times.
    All that comes with a simple conclusion: It’s easier to win with carry in lower skill games, if you are actually better.
    If you are the carry player that stuck in below 3k, see if you follow the same pattern. Farm-die while farming down a lane-team fight-back to farming-get 6 slotted-wait for the big fight-win or lose
    There is a reason why you are stuck in 2k.

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    Story Time

        The ridiculous thing is that it happens in 4k too, but less I must say. In 2-3k the situation really is that tragic tho, games are static and slow and will always go for the late game. There's no point in roaming, unless you get heroes like Mirana that would scale well in the late game, or picking early game heroes. And the most annoying thing is that no matter how many times you ask people to take objectives they just won't listen.

        Story Time

          ^therefore, you must rat!


            that is my "friend", he is a rich guy who wants to get super high party mmr, and ruin games in his solo. I don't know why, but I do get paid.

            Cheesy Wenis

              As a new player I've had way more success with any hero that can push an objective solo. A pretty common mistake is knowing when and how to take an objective as a group, simply because at that level it's unlikely they have played enough heroes to understand when it's a good time to initiate, commit or retreat. Trying to pos 5 is very frustrating, I am often unable to get my allies to exploit an opportunity to push and I've been yelled at for not pushing. It's a learning process for everybody.

              Meanwhile with Beastmaster I can just press W and destroy a tower in 30 seconds.


                Don't support with a hero like pudge then, he's a bit too dependent. He creates space for people, which is somewhat nullified if they suck. Try a hero like lina who can build carry items like shadowblade.

                Think: when you make space as pudge, who will push. Can pudge push? No, not really, but if you were lina you definitely could; you could clear the waves fast and push quickly, along with having solo kill potential. Pudge is one dimensional.

                Heroes which you can support with in low MMR and build greedy carry items: Mirana; Lina; Silencer; Monkey King; Enchantress. These are the heroes I would pick in your match.

                Other, good late game supports who can carry are heroes like Crystal Maiden, Morphling, Kunkka, etc.

                It's not problematic to support in lower MMR, you just have to get creative. And your chances of being able to take over the game by yourself are statistically lower. But it doesn't matter, in the long run.

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  if you're going to play support, play someone who can also push. I learned that the hard way, being stuck here in low 3K MMR. Leshrac is a great one for me. Ofc there's more meta ones like Rasta.

                  Cobrex :c

                    jakiro ... ez early game harass, midgame fights and farm abit if so, can push .... tho after 2 games im done with that hero for a month heh

                    not arin

                      when in doubt, pick dark willow
                      i believe that this hero can almost solo win the game unless you're spending everything on wards

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Nah I still think supports are useful


                          Lol. Just dont pick support. Supportiing a low skill guy is just like a suicide.

                          unbreakable spirit

                            Pudge is sure lot of fun, but recently I found out that supporting with pudge isn't that effective, rather pick Mirana and begin as support and u can easily transition into a pusher and carry team's ass


                              You can support with shaker. If u are significantly higher skill that the rest of the players, you should be able to completely take over the game.


                                Basically, pick a support who can transition from pos4 support to 4th core, with a good early game.


                                  Well its your problem, you get paid though.
                                  Dont be mad because lose 1 game dude, you wont win everytime right. Its your choice to play pudge anyway.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                  Story Time

                                    can add more people to party with you when you are boosting? (I'd like to join and I have a smurf for that)


                                      sry, i play on us only, also im not gonna actually play supports that transition into cores, it's too much effort. I usually can just hit creeps, hit heroes, hit towers and win, ez and chill. Pudge game was just an experiment.


                                        It's not too much effort. You just roam as a "support," and kill shit. Build carry items, while buying wards.