General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan still feels viable

Lycan still feels viable in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    Guys i still feel lycan is good to spam. I suck at that hero but i can still make the game end at like 20-35mins even if im weaker than my opponent in terms of skills.

    I watched this youtube video and the guy says. Juz farm aggressively, wait for a opportunity to kill. Kill and push the tower. Seems to work for now.


      of course lycan is still good


        Well its not like he got nerfed much its just -1 base armor. Wolves need no armor anyway

        Овај коментар је измењен
        Potato Marshal

          Armor meant nothing compared to the massive ult cooldown nerf.

          Cheesy Wenis

            Lycan was only ever considered powerful because the meta was unstable from the new patch, allowing him to capitalize on weak group cohesion.

            Mr. Jin

              Its the longer cd that makes the nerf hard. Juz have to push towers more.

              Mr. Jin

                I realize 3k mmr players can do shit when u mega them. So juz win by mega.


                  Bkb nerf means that if you fucked up during early and mid game, you will have a hard time winning

                  < blank >

                    If enemies has little lockdown, almost no escapes and you have last pick.... well you're evil Lycan picker then.

                    Btw. you mostly win games with Lycan untill you even need Bkb. Most of high mmr Lycans go Bkb as the 5th item if your pushing somehow meets high resistance. If you desperately need Bkb fast then you did something wrong and you should have picked Jugger or Lifestealer instead.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      go spam lycan its berry good

                      < blank >

                        I recently won agaisnt a Lycan 6.7 k booster. We won just because he first picked it and had time to get our shiet together, pick a lot of lockdown. Anyway we lost almost all towers and raxx. Gosh its hard to play against it cos you need good team coordination.

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          Definitely still viable as long as you know how to farm fast and make optimal decisions for when to split-push or fight.

                          This hero certainly has a timing window when he can easily rat or break high ground. Beyond that window, he falls off against certain lineups.


                            I was 4 am when i was writing that comment i totally forgot about the ult cd changes


                              The main strenghts werent taken Down. He Is insane Lane Dominátor (just saw game where reso had 47:36 lh in 7minutes) And pusher. If He manages to dominate the Lane 80% of the time), He can try to Force high ground by 15-20minutes. With SS you have pretty much guaranteed every 2 minutes Tower.

                              And if enemy team has Heroes like medusa or alch, they cant really farm anymore ať that point.


                                Lycan must play around his ult. Without it, he can still split push but not much else.


                                  Why splitpush? Dominator, necro And group Up with your team And take towers.

                                  If you have team with early power spike, you can easily take all outer towers by 20mins, take rosh And go high ground.


                                    of course he is still viable to spam, he is becoming a cancer spam pick even in pro games

                                    Cheesy Wenis

                                      You can take towers with your team while simultaneously pushing out other lanes. That's kind of the point of having a Helm.


                                        He was barely touched stop overreacting.

                                        Cheesy Wenis

                                          Luxon relax man.

                                          You're out of control.

                                          casual gamer

                                            Scott it's ok

                                            I need you to calm down

                                            Cheesy Wenis

                                              Ok jeez.

                                              Stop yelling at me.


                                                Mods this thread is getting out of hand


                                                  Requesting lockup.

                                                    Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                                      I'm spamming lycan to climbed to 3k bracket

                                                      thou not sure if i can spam this to 4k... the mindset seems different on that bracket.


                                                        I'm spamming lycan to climbed to 3k bracket

                                                        thou not sure if i can spam this to 4k... the mindset seems different on that bracket.

                                                        6/10 hero damage too high, game time passed 20minute mark! ^^