General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's up with Alch?

What's up with Alch? in General Discussion

    Is he still dogshit or is he actually good now. His winrate on here suggest that he still sucks but I don't really trust it since it also takes into account morons that play the hero where he shouldn't go. I've seen people in replays build bf on him and have upwards of like 1.3k GPM and be 6 slotted by 25 minutes. Also with the new changes to bounty runes his lategame is insane since the runes give around like 600 gold base past a certain point. Idk what the math is when you add in the greed multiplier all I know it that it's a lot of gold.

    TL:DR -
    If you play him where he belongs is he still good?



      And I say it being someone who used to have 60% with him and dropped to 55%.


        I think he is viable as a support but still fragile. The thing I hate the most about him is that he can be countered by a spirit vessel.


          Alch was nerfed hard, can't be played mid due to matchups, they removed the extra creep in mid too, and spirit vessel exists.
          It's not realistic for this hero to snowball well because of all the super strong 4's that pressure weak cores.


            Actually yea now that you guys mention it I never realized how hard spirit vessel fucks him. Seems like it would literally make his ult useless.

            casual gamer

              these ult dps buffs mean nothing as long as rage has 45% uptime. the hero is worse than useless without it


                Dunno, hero is kinda of a beast, some guy played it not to fight us but to eat towers, spirit vessel didnt do anyting since he ate all raxes during BKB, our fault for not having bkb piercing stun i guess. Alch still farms good and smashes tho. I would say it could work in 3k bracket, but anything really works in 3k bracket so dont mind me.


                  worse than apoop dota


                    id say alch is viable as pos4 jungle aga farmer; and safe lane core with good space and good pulls/jungle secure.

                    easy stomp in 3K-4K with the right setup.

                    too bad that means alche pos 4 has to praise for you to not throw the game with 3-4 agas or just stall early/mid enough for that.