General Discussion

General DiscussionBlink on DP

Blink on DP in General Discussion

    Reasoning? I see it all the time, but I don't see why you would get blink unless you use it with hex to jump on someone or if you are super ahead and you can basically kill anyone if you gap close them.


      Chasing, general positioning purposes and map mobility.

      Justin Weaver

        Blink is generally better than shadowblade, but since the cd nerf, it's not that good

        Potato Marshal

          SB sucks on dp since you want to be constantly spamming spells.


            spirits do more damage the closer you are to the target.


              i guess blink also works well with atos and euls

              The Frog King

                Style points


                  blink in and suck everyone while ur ult rapes them and use defensive items if ur dying


                    ^so u think you shud get it earlier or after said defensive items?


                      well i think euls is core and usually u need tanky items like octarine, shivas or bkb. honestly blink is good but all u want on dp is not to die so if ur not dying it cna be very strong

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        its good against tinker mainly. people also buy it against other high mobility heroes.


                          ryoria built it against a lycan + od in imt vs optic game 1
                          it was a bad idea as he just didn't have any armor item and got melted every fight


                            ye i usually see something like euls into blink in a lot of games, very occasionally a veil or hood first


                              i'd get a forcestaff instead


                                funzy, but i doubt it's a core item, mostly situational.


                                  ^its in almost every high MMR dp game, but not all of them