General Discussion

General DiscussionBlademail on pudge

Blademail on pudge in General Discussion
Justin Weaver

    Pudge is the hero with the highest death in game, is easy to focus on (always on low HP, and right in the middle of the fight), and has crap armor and needs damage.
    Personally, If I see a pudge with a blademail on I'll try to focus my spells and attacks on other heroes (also considering his high Health and the magic resistance), and every extra second he lives is tons of extra damage dealt to the enemy

    In my humble opinion everything blademail offers is needed by Pudge (armor, Damage, the active, even the inteligence).


    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Why is this a meme? Blademail is actually fine on huskar


        I agree with creator finally legit topic

        Justin Weaver

          I found it kinda interesting. And those words suits pudge perfectly xD

          SASA POPOVIC

            I dont know, who would in his right mind focus Pudge in a team fight? He really tends to get pretty fat in late game and peaks at 6-7k hp on 25lvl so on my main account where i dont practice heroes we take similar approach with pudge as we do with dusa, CC him into oblivion during teamfight then take care of him alone, kill him slowly with spirit vessel or something, pudge will rarely make bkb to prevent this so it works 90% of the time, assuming we can win the teamclash in the first place.

            Also i have found out that Bmail in most situations serves as a deterrent, like "hit me if you are dumb" kind of items.

            Овај коментар је измењен

              im not sure of pudge really needs attackdmg, but i agree on the int, armor and the active. even though i see it as a niche purches: like what does tinker do to a pudge with baldemail active inside 3 marches? tinker needs a euls then.

              on the other hand you got a spirit vessel, which is like half the price of a heart but gives kinda the same regen (but more flexible, can be also used as dmg), movespeed (and thats what pudge really needs a boost in) some armor and a littlebit of manaregen... not that much of a niche item in my opinion
              bonus: aeon disc is sick on pudge!