General Discussion

General DiscussionHurricane Pike over Echo Sabre on CK?

Hurricane Pike over Echo Sabre on CK? in General Discussion
Nasir Khan Jan

    Hurricane Pike over Echo sabre may be a viable pick actually. Gives some valuable Stats (intelligence which CK lacks). Might make it harder to kite him and is both good as an escape and initiation, Force into reality rift and you should be able to close the gap between CK and almost any other ranged Hero.

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      archon 1


        Yes good idea


          Is this thread a troll


            maybe MAYBE against clock
            even then kinda unnecessary cuz u can just reality rift out
            if ur looking for mobility and range of initiation go blink, if ur looking for mana then echo sabre is just better
            if ur looking for stats then go heart or skadi or smth

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              I think its much better to have arcane boots carriers on ur team than buying hurricane pike, ck isnt a flash farmer u know, he is a more teamfight oriented hero

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Cover the need to escape with map awareness and get a Blink Dagger for way better initiation

                Force Staff getting streak of nerfs in the recent patches FeelsBadMan

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                  ck doesn't need int
                  those two are totally different items lol,one is for punching one is for more escaping less chasing
                  why not just force staff so you can actually push people to you

                  #1 Philippine player

                    JUst get phase boots to chase people down. I think phase boots pretty underrated on him. treads doesn't give you chasing power.


                      ^u max reality rift and you have it on a 6 second CD why TF do u need chasing power
                      Beyond that in the early game u can kill Squishies in a single reality rift and any tanky heroes with stun and shit.

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Phase Boots goes well with his 325 base ms so it's not a bad idea
                        I might try it later


                          Blink doesn't give you stats. Think about it.


                            Rofl he needs no stats i thought yall trolling
                            You pop ult, blink in, use reality rift and insta kill illus. I like the armlet -> echo sabre -> blink build on him.


                              Also why the heck would you buy pike on melee hero? Stats? Really?

                              Potato Marshal

                                Buying phase and skipping 25 atk speed and 10 strength on the hero with the strongest illusions in the game?

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  Its ok, just get tranquilla for the MS

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    Phantasm has(one of?) the longest CD right now so playing around Phantasm isn't as good and fun.
                                    I will try Phase Drums SnY and see if I can initiate by just running into vision.

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      treadswitching sir

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Yeah, it also lasts for 42 seconds too

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Not if they get killed in fights


                                            PT + armlet + echosabre or manta + hot = go finish game

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            CORE BABY HOT

                                              both are trash


                                                the kid buying phase boots on CK probably also buys Daedalus, not realsing that damage bonuses are not applied to illusions.

                                                echo sabre is trash btw, if you have mana issues just get a soulring, or even better; clarities

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                                                casual gamer

                                                  just FUCKING BUY BLINL LMAO



                                                    Blink has no stats

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      BLINK HAS NO STATS BUY HURRICANE PIKE ON CENTAUR INSTEAD

                                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                        the problem is that besides mobility. even stats wise sabre is superior

                                                        first of all, take into accout that pike is almost twice as costly
                                                        sabre gives 10 int and 10 strength, while pike doesn't give much more (15, 13). and sabre allows you to cripple down rifted opponents with the slow

                                                        sabre give 1.3 mana regen, which ck would really appreciate, pike gives non

                                                        and for mobility, blink is fucking amazing on ck, i see no reason to leave it in favor of hurricane pike. it gives immediate movement without turning point and much more reliable. and sabre+blink costs only 200 more than pike

                                                        Story Time

                                                          but hurricane sike makes my ottck range bigger, also saves from omni ult and dispels my migrane



                                                            Also why the heck would you buy pike on melee hero? Stats? Really?

                                                            M E E P O

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              Meepo buys pike?

                                                              I thought usually you stack wraith bands and dragon lances on meepo with blink and sheepstick


                                                                Why would you need phase to chase when REALITY RIFT HAS A 6 SECOND CD rofl

                                                                Story Time

                                                                  but phase boots looks prettier^^


                                                                    both hurrricane pike and echo saber are trash on ck


                                                                      i built pike on sven last game, pretty legit to not being kited

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        no it isnt

                                                                        stop. get some help


                                                                          i swear one day people will start building pike on melee heroes. mark my words.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            you already do on lc bs etc but they keep nerfing the item dude


                                                                              Thing with Pike on bs is that it does less dmg than force
                                                                              It's almost worse to upgrade it


                                                                                Is this thread a joke


                                                                                  Hey guys lets build a stats item on a hero that has passive crits that lifesteal and can LITERALLY MAKE COPIES OF HIMSELF WHICH DO FULL DAMAGE


                                                                                    Positioning item with solid stats. Like how's it even a joke. Anyone with a brain can see it's good on any hero.


                                                                                      ^ the problem is u have no brains


                                                                                        Honestly its not terrible. Its just such a situational item. I built pike on CK a few times and CK is my Best hero. The only reason you should be doing it is when they running a Massive amount of Heavy Positioning heroes. For example combinations of Enigma, Sven, Void, Ember, Clockwork. I have dodged many chronos and caught Many embers with the Pike but MOST of the time SE or BLink is the better alternative. The stats are Meh. CK loves stats but your better off getting them in the from of Heart or Manta.

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          Hey guys lets build a stats item on a hero that has passive crits that lifesteal and can LITERALLY MAKE COPIES OF HIMSELF WHICH DO FULL DAMAGE

                                                                                          pike is not stats item. Dragon lance maybe yes, but not pike

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            Hey guys lets build a stats item on a hero that has passive crits that lifesteal and can LITERALLY MAKE COPIES OF HIMSELF WHICH DO FULL DAMAGE

                                                                                            hey mongo boy illusions only get damage from primary attribute


                                                                                              "I buy Pike for the stats"
                                                                                              -literally no one