General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat exactly is the role of offlaner is the current meta?

What exactly is the role of offlaner is the current meta? in General Discussion

    Is the offlaner supposed to be an xp leecher? Should he contest the enemy carry's farm? Get his own farm safely? Be a threat to the safety of the enemy carry?

    Story Time

      PS but meta suggest that offlaner now is the initiator in 4 out 5 games, which is hard to explain to your team


        your job is to get something out of the lane (maybe up to a certain lvl or a specific item like a blink) and then go create chaos around the map with your team so your cores can get big.

        when you got a favourable matchup (like you are brewmaster against a solo ck or sth) you can actually contest the enemy carry, but most of the time you are better by just focusing on your timings.


          Offlane imo is the most important role in the game currently (although that might be a bit biased since I consider myself a pos 3 player lol). Basically right now the goal of offlane is to limit the enemy carry's farm as much as physically possible. Try to zone them in lane with your spells, if you are playing a tank offlane (timber, tide, bristle, etc.) don't be afraid to walk up to them and slap them a few times, just make sure you know your limits. If they piss off to jungle, find them and harass them there. Tell your pos 4 and your mid that you should smoke and you will likely find a squishy early game carry sitting at half HP in the middle of finishing a camp.

          Also it is important to remember your mid and late game responsibilities. Position 3 hero's are generally considered "initiators" that excel at jumping into large groups of enemies and surviving long enough for your team to join in and win a fight. Of course you've obviously been playing long enough to know these things lol. This is why 9/10 offlaners build a blink as their 2nd or 3rd item. Just keep your eyes open and most importantly communicate with your team before you jump. A well timed initiation can secure a winning game or completely flip the tables on the enemy in one that you are losing. This is why I play offlane, the thrill of hitting a 4 man RP, call, blackhole, or whatever it is, and knowing that you can comeback off of that is such a thrill for me personally.


            There's honestly no real difference. It's just another lane to farm and you can do it with a + 1. Like a PA cm or anti Mage ogre magi

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              3rd core :^)


                I mean if you're better player and the guy who first picked carry has bad stats, there's really no reason to not have another pos 1 picked by you, but played in a different lane. Esp if you play pos 1 better. More pos 1 usually wins these days.


                  ^ how to drop to 1k and stay there forever


                    I didn't "drop" to 1k. In fact I am still climbing to 1k. What a fucking piss poor attempt at an insult.


                      Dont listen or care about what HanYolo has to say. In his current MMR seed people there like him doesnt even know anything about hero roles and stuff like that.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        someone is rly trying to make an already dead forum even worse


                          @1 MMR/H Although it never really happens in serious games that you can force their carry out of the lane so that he "pisses off to jungle" as you say. Even if he does that its not your job to follow him and harrass him there. Leave him alone. Jungle provides you very little farm and xp during the early game. Just keep pushing the lane. When your creeps are on their tower move towards their creepwave and pull it into the small camp so you can farm both the wave and the camp while your creeps are hitting on their tower. Force the enemy to rotate in that lane dont be an idiot and chase their carry around the jungle while doing nothing

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            from what i understand in competitive games it's mostly a hero who can sit in the lane solo, either capable of 1v1 the mirrored safelane, or to survive a dual lane and rarely tri. usually a core hero who can consume space safely without needing a priority and still being impactful (like razor) or a support hero who can contribute for creating space (like puck or beast)

                            ad by support/core i dont mean pos 1, 2, 3/pos 4, 5
                            I meant a hero who prioritize getting farm or a hero who prioritize allowing the cores to get farm

                            I think that safelane/offlane currently in the competitive scene are quet interchangable. so when I said offlane I meant the one who would sacrifice support help (it can be both, if for example you have a tri mid or a dual mid and roamer). he can be both in safe and off

                            that my interpretation of the current meta in competitive scene with my crusader mind. so take that with a grain of salt :D


                              I may have phrased my question wrong, I was trying to ask about how offlaners are generally meant to lane in the meta, but thanks for the replies nonetheless, plus some of them answered parts of the question.

                              I asked because of my last game: played solo offlane Clinkz, was just leeching xp and hitting a last hit when I could, but generally was just there to survive. Luna was essentially free farm. I also defensive tp rotated to mid super early(lvl 3), which I wasn't sure was a correct move because I further left Luna alone. We may have won, but I still look for ways to improve even in victories.


                                To feed their trilane :D

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  Get whatever you can

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    just go and feed and do w/e to stop the carry from hitting creeps.

                                    Story Time

                                      the main role of EVERY DAMN OFFLANER is to cry like a baby that he does not get help against tri-lane :D

                                      Bosnian Blade

                                        im playing offlane almost 70%of my games.
                                        first if ure up against a trilane ,u have done your job already
                                        just dont die , lvl 1 doesnt matter , that will get your team open space to gank mid
                                        as soon your team gank their mid once they will start rotations , then its your time to get gold and exp.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          good luck getting gold and exp as a lv1 hero vs a lv4 safelaner


                                            Tbh, if u are a lvl 3 and safe laner is lvl 5, its so hard to contest


                                              Depends on ur hero

                                              El Chivo

                                                you make the min 00 offlane pull

                                                you get 3 waves worth of experience and gold under your tower and fuck up the creep equilibrium until min5

                                                now you are lvl3 and they are lvl1-2

                                                you proceed to shit on their trilane

                                                between getting cs, shitting on their HC and take runes, you stack camps

                                                now you win the game


                                                Depends on your hero and your bracket. Pretty sure playing pos1 offlane under 1k is viable. But in the offlane most of the time, you get the catch - SK, PUCK, CLOCK, shaker; tankiness - BB under 4k, underlord, tidehunter, abba; utility - DS, doom, omni, abba; or just that pick wich is a complete nuissanse to the enemy team, like pango or weaver.

                                                Mostly is getting the exp, that core item and then create space and fight.


                                                  There is no "Exact role"

                                                  Each game is different and each game you need to use your judgement.

                                                  Some general rules tho :

                                                  You need to make as many players on enemy team spend a bunch of time and resources on you so they are NOT ganking or helping their other lanes. Meaning the 4 people on your team have an easier time doing what they need to do like farm / gank / ward / push / fight

                                                  Imagine you have a hero in offlane who is being super annoying bullying carry harrasing farming, enemy supports have no choice but to go spend time on you.

                                                  This means ur mid is less likely to get ganked, ur carry is less likely to get ganked, ur supports can set up ganks or do w.e easier.

                                                  Use your judgement.


                                                    Feed non stop and proceed to afk