General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get vhs?

how to get vhs? in General Discussion
I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

    srsly every game I get morons who hold me back, it's impossible to reach vhs, can some pro players tell me how to get vhs? I want to get laid for playing this game too.


      Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


        Pale Mannie


          Disturbed Jawker

            winning more games than losing worked for me

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              git gud


                get so good that you can even win a 1v9

                its way easier said than done but its doable

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  like me

                  jeremy meeks' personality

                    Pick only mid, don't bother with other lanes


                      You need to gain mmr.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        your team holds you back? you dont need your team to get good, u can just rat all the way to victory


                            Simply put, if you play enough games, you'll reach your skill level. If you seem stuck in your skill level, try improving as a player. You can't control your teammates, you can't control your enemies, so the only thing constant in these games is you.

                            tldr: Git Gud.

                            #1 Philippine player

                              its not possible because of dora rmm system. its flawed at its core. you win 4 games, you lost 5 next. its forces you to 50% actully. i mean who are the morons developers who make this system? why force everyone to 50%? its literally impossible to climb mmr in dota.

                              Note: I play chess and i have 2.1k elo in - 2.1k is very high elo in chess, average is 1k. because chess actually value your skill and not flawed like dota where its 5v5 and if your teamates feed and lose game you lose 25mmr stupid system.