General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes 5k different from 6k?

What makes 5k different from 6k? in General Discussion

    What is it that 5k players lack in comparison to 6k players?


      serious post btw

      chicken spook,,,,

        6k - 5k = 1k


          Strategy, both 5ks and 6ks have similar enough mechanics.

          So the important stuff- gamesense, decisionmaking, map awareness, playing the map.

          but mostly playing the map.

          the amount of disrespect 5k players have towards the map is disgusting.

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          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Every player is a case to himself

            But at this level it would mostly come down to actually beung good at the game, it is safe to assume that at this point people know how to play the game and understand basic mechanics such as equalibrium, power spike, decent team drafting etc'

            So here it would come down to actual skill
            Being able to call shots and predict
            Understand the game flow and relative powers, where is the team boundaries
            Better ability to communicate and decide what is the best response
            Drafting skills

            Those kind of stuff

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              why does cookie feel qualified to call himself a 6ooo player


                just because i don't play on my account doesn't mean i don't have brain cells. i didn't play jack shit after calibrating to the new system, been coaching people n shit.

                and besides, i still have some 4-5k accs that i like to chill on sometimes.

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  5ks are more retarded than 6ks. Its mostly the same shit though, people have no idea about basic stuff even in 6k.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    ur main account was like 6k flat after spamming aw and then u stopped playing because u were "tired of tryharding" or something like that rofl


                      it's real different imo,try fighting a 6k team and a 5k team

                      i..never won vs a 6k+ team

                      it's just literally different on how they do stuff,ever got your offlane and safelane lose even if you got 3 man-ed at mid? well..there you go

                      also how they mid is real different also,i can toe to toe with a 5k-6k (met alot on parties/5v5 battle), 6k? gud dang it it's super duper hard,almost never win my laning phase

                      if only i can explain this better lol


                        i had no intention of grinding what so ever, nor do i have now, the idea came from someone who wanted to sell my guides - So i just went with it, if anyone members that.

                        Which at the end was just a failed waste of time as he did nothing he had promised, and i just grinded from 5k to 6k for no reason, i was and still would be completely fine with having only 5k mmr skill. Just because i have no intentions of grinding doesn't mean i'm incapable of doing so, 5k to 6k took me a week.

                        i'm playing on 1-4k smurfs and having some fun for the last idk 2 years or something.

                        besides, it's not rocket science it's 5k mmr - it's easy to do if you know what you need to be doing.

                        He asked the question, i gave my opinion, check blitz's, bren's and gurupathik's youtube guides for more info.

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                        mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                          Why would you ask a forum where like 98% of the poeple here are 4k below? Hahaha smh


                            btw i heard like they dropped divine 0 to like 4.8k or someshit, cus one of my students got to divine 5 at like 5.5k or someshit.

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              i feel ya cookerz id be 7k easily but i just HATE grinding and my head hurts when i analyze so im just chilling in 4k playing with numbnuts LOL idc xD


                                There are very many 5k
                                there are only 5000ish 5.5k+
                                very few hundreds 6k+
                                the difference is huge.
                                Mostly since most 5ks dont try hard all games
                                and virtually All 6ks tryhard almost every game.


                                  Sometimes I play with my divine 1500 rank friend, who is a captain in his team.

                                  Everytime we are losing, he just says "guys such an ez game we got this", "stay positive". He makes such good decisions that usually lead to enemy team being whiped even if we are on 10k disadvantage.

                                  He plays very aggressive and very rarely make any bad decisions. The only bad decision he make is playing overagressive sometimes. But he is positive untill the throne is down. Only then he starts flaming us for mistakes. :P But never low mmr ones.

                                  Also when I play with him I have to face divines rank 2000 or something and its pretty god damn hard. Eg. I pick Underlord and they pick safe lane Quop carry making me useless and their support chasing me everywhere I go.

                                  On the other hand my 5ks friends tend to tilt so fckin ez when the lane is hard what makes games unplayable.

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                                    the knight guy,if i'm not mistaken that wants to sell your guides?
                                    were do you even buy your guides anyway

                                    @lex,yes yes you need to be the backbone of your team indeed

                                    everyone tilt,lose game 100%

                                    oh my you got the same feeling as i do then,most of my friends tilt alot like hell just because losing lanes/some mistake happened


                                      I would also say that besides the thing that you guys mentioned, 6ks are better at getting away from certain death. They also itemize better against their counters and itemize to sustain on lane better.


                                        they're all free on my twitch.

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          sustain in lanes? I believe that no one starts with quelling blade stout tango in 5k, usually starts with stout tango, mango and salve, and rushing wand before quelling blade, could u elaborate more @lex?


                                            divine 0 is 4.9, divine 1 is 5040, divine 2 is 5180 and so on


                                              Something noteworthy to mention is that the post-medal addition and the mmr deflation, 6k has been more inconsistent.

                                              Suddenly people from 7k-8k were brought down to 6k only separated from pre-medal 6Ks by couple hundreds of mmr.
                                              What used to be a 1000-2000 mmr difference between players was suddenly 200, so i'd say it's harder to judge the 6k bracket now.

                                              As for the difference between 5k and 6k, it's the same as between 6k and 7k. Simply better at all areas of the game.


                                                i tank you very much for the free cookies then

                                                @abyss yes,usually people dont go queling since its buyable from side if you're talking safelane,they go tango+salve which is much better with 2 branches then go side stick-queling

                                                also you can see the supports are actually buying salve for the pos 1/pos 2/pos3,not just friggin stuff but regen stuff

                                                far right activist

                                                  5k games = "insert currently OP heroes of the week" and play the game. 6k games = Lets get into more personal stuff, oh this guy plays this , Tilt this guy etc etc. Top 100 = Oh wait why im in rank 1000 games pls help !. PepeHands


                                                    This is my dream bracket.only in my dreams. If only im good like yall.


                                                      Cookie can you coach me to get out this shit tier please.


                                                        playing the map

                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                          there is no such a thing that can make a difference from 5k to6k , or even from 3k-5k, is not jsut 1 or 2 thing , or even a list which cuki made, climbing mmr is not only about that , there are like 10X more factors than those, and it doesnt mean that somebody who does those specifik better is higher mmr.

                                                          you can climb to 6k even by just learning to split push with a good split pusher hero, while your other skills can still be completely dogshit like 3k or something like that. at that point is actually more about dedication or having a reason like cuki did for example, somethig like that rather than being better at dota in general. there are for hundres probbly thouands of 4-5k players that can be at same level or even better than some 6k , they just are not obbsesed enough ot dont have a good reason to commit to climb more .

                                                          about game decisoin , map awarnes, playing the map, strategy, and stuf like that 6k -se are as bad as 5k or even 4k potentially.

                                                          dont torment yourself about those mmr things kids, unles you have a real goal , like cuki had (even it fails , thats unfortunate ) , in the end of the day is a actually jsut a number it doesnt rly represent the skill level of a player.

                                                          if you want a general simple on what makes a 6k better than a 5k it doesnt exist. this is about every brackets acutally , is not that they jsut do some standard things better, every player has different individual skill even they can be same mmr, people who achieve high mmr like 6k, are usually people that developed a unique auto- pilot playstyle , by abusing pub stomper heroes, like meepo, ta, storm, arc, stuf like that, that works for them in long run . those guys in a real dota game, a competitive pro , or semi pro tournament for ex, would be as shit as a 2k-3k player is, they skill level has nothing to do about being good or understanding att all real dota.

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            posting some clinkz wining games in 5k , and pretending your good at dota btw lul.

                                                            check blitz's, bren's and gurupathik's youtube guides for more info.
                                                            or watch some bjs latest videos he explain in details stuff about mmr, and how shity a player can be and still climbing to 6k by jsut spamming " solo wining game heroes" , like cuki does, like clinkz, arc, shit like that.

                                                            eventually they hit a wall. and they need to relearn dota again from begining or they just quit or do what cuki is doing playing in lower mmr acc , shit like that you know.

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                                                            chat banned :)

                                                              mmr are just 3 letters


                                                                if u play the map like a daun u will not get 6k though


                                                                  mafioso if you don't think i know all of that then you're quite mistaken. A good general will try to win a war with the least amount of fighting, it is only a means to an end. Of course i know that if i wanted to go pro i'd need to completely re-make my hero pool, but i didn't care about that, all i cared about is getting to 6k and being done with it. And i could do the same thing up to 7-8k mmr with the snap of my fingers, but as you know i don't have any need to, i don't want to be a pro; i just want to coach.

                                                                  And i don't need BSJ to tell me this, believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.

                                                                  I'm a good strategist, i play to win; the end justifies the means.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    one a scale of 1 to retarded, how autistic are u cookies?

                                                                    im sure u have to be on the upper end of that spectrum


                                                                      I have this feeling that you're intimidated by me, and i'd say it's quite justifiable Spunki.


                                                                        i've read sun tzu i'm SMART

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          sun tzu is that commie nigga who killed 10 billion chinese or something
                                                                          u probably mean jackie chan


                                                                            ure pretty cringe cookies thats all


                                                                              Cookie ur nit 6k player u reached flat 6k and stopped

                                                                              Desnt mean u failed nor u can grind u just stopped there


                                                                                I do respect u as a person and dota player but ur overextending ur ego and knowlegde always

                                                                                Everything u know u learned from pros nothing in this game u made a ,,solo theory,, except 30 min am farm looby which is insane shit and bulshit


                                                                                  Lol this cookie guy has a head the size of a hippo. Then again this is the internet so everything he says must be true lewl

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.
                                                                                    believe it or not I am more intelligent than the average worm here.

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      people have no idea about basic stuff even in 6k.

                                                                                      conclusion: basics of dota 2 are unknown to all players


                                                                                        you know what, i'll give it to you robert, you're right

                                                                                        My approach to this forum was completely wrong, it just became a contest on who can be the biggest asshole, what a pointless waste of time.

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          ull never win that one blunts got the market cornered


                                                                                            Suddenly people from 7k-8k were brought down to 6k only separated from pre-medal 6Ks by couple hundreds of mmr.
                                                                                            What used to be a 1000-2000 mmr difference between players was suddenly 200, so i'd say it's harder to judge the 6k bracket now.

                                                                                            What MeGaMaN said about this is pretty true. I used to play in high 4k-flat 5k before the medals came out. When they came out i grinded from 5k to 5.9k and in those games while i was trying to get 6k a lot of players i was playing with/against were high 6k/7k+ before medals. I felt pretty outdicked almost every game.

                                                                                            yung griphook

                                                                                              dick size, mostly

                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                contest on who can be the biggest asshole

                                                                                                says the guy who kept writing pseudointellectual bs

                                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                  You're basically the only retard here who thinks he's hot shit for giving basic tips and still tries to shove your big flat 6 0 0 0 m m r epenis / 1 0 0 IQ on everyone else on basically every topic despite only improving slightly above average pace even when you tryharded at the game


                                                                                                    It's ok guys, you'll get to 6k one day, i believe in you!

                                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,
