General Discussion

General Discussion7.11 out

7.11 out in General Discussion

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      wow, a bunch of stuff that not even pros care about. hype!!

      The DarKNovA

        Go on, kill the game's hype for the general "stupid masses", see how well it will be doing compared to other games that actually pump out content to be hyped at.

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          valve promised to patch every 2 week . They dont really need to change everything every goddamn 2 week.

          Potato Marshal

            I don't think I've ever seen a patch that I cared as little for as this.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              IDK what it means but I guess me as support going YOLO is okay now?


                Yes but do we rlly need large balance changes every 2 weeks
                It isn't supposed to be a massive hype train ffs


                  Less comeback factor means more consistent wins.
                  Also means less advantage to the opposing team if a retard in your team decides to feed (happens often in my bracket)
                  Overall a good thing actually.




                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Wow, that a huge buff to 4 protect 1

                      That is really significant, they are making stability of the laning phase significantly less important than gathering money on a single hero, so things like stacking and babysitting are more valuable

                      This is going to shift to a much less dynamic laning phase and stronger establishments of the "position" hierarchy

                      I predict it now : we're going to see much more "weak" babysitting supports such as cm, dazzle, wd and less on those strong ganking supports

                      As a result it would also strengthen weak laners like AM, spectre, drow etc', and would power creep the independent laners like gyro, tb and lycan

                      It might not directly address the problem of small carry pool, but inderectly through allowing supports to have less farm, therefore making lane stability less important, it would widen the carry pool


                        i wonder if buybacking as a flashfarmer hero is good now,example you have 8k networth it's just 8100/13= 623 gold,seems worth alot

                        i dont really understand the second one,it's harder to comeback now?

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          It is less hurting to buyback as a weak hero that is behind, a flash farming hero buyback cost is now going to be much higher because it depends on your own net worth

                          The second one is making having a lot of farm on a single hero is more valuable than before compared to having more net worth on the team than the enemies

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                          The DarKNovA

                            2 weeks huge patches schedules worked out pretty well for League of Legends, strange huh?
                            People like hype.


                              "it's fucking nothing"

                              how retarded all of you are?
                              this patch is pretty impactful and it's a really good change i believe

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                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                lol noone cares, the values barely change im sure its like a 200-300 gold change in the most extreme cases rofl

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  But why the gold changes is different

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Huge change, finally. Thanks for 1v9, now feeding shits won't ruin games as much.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      its not about whether the changes are significant or not. literally no one asked for these but almost everyone was asking for gyro nerfs. instead we get this shit, which is not even a nerf to gyro, and have to suffer this fucker for 2 more weeks.


                                        surely a pos 5 support giving away 700g each time he dies is completely normal

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          i have never seen a pos 5 hero gave 700g, ever. and besides, why is that a problem? before these formulas, gold amount was only reliant on streaks and levels and there was only 50 gold difference between a level 25 and level 15 hero if they had no streaks. it wasnt a problem then though.


                                            Complaining that gyro isn't nerfed in 2 weeks when before it would take 2 months :thinking:


                                              any patch nerfing rubberband is a good one

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                you do realize that this just made comebacks harder, on a patch that is SUPER reliant on lanes and winning them meant 90% of time you won the game?

                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  never seen any1 complauin about gyro

                                                  anyway im pretty sure icefrogs done nerfing heroes beyond the fuck off tier nerfs like 1 starting str, and instead will try to change how the game works by fucking with bounties, towers and now comebacks
                                                  if u nerf tier 1 heroes tier 2 will just take their place


                                                    Better den nothing

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      also legit dont understand how do people hate rubberband, its probably the single best mechanic introduced to the game that i can remember


                                                        this laning bullshit is so dumb


                                                          no skILl lol


                                                            buying back too farm is back boys


                                                              This is literally the best way to implement changes like this. When you do it as its own patch with no other changes you can properly see what the results of the change are. If they had dumped this into a huge balance patch like they used to its impossible to determine if this change did what they wanted. Yes i know people want exciting patches with hero and item changed every 2 weeks but this stuff is arguably more important.

                                                              What I take away from the changes:
                                                              1) Having a super farmed core no longer means the poor support feeds a bunch of gold. (alch and meepo buffed for example)
                                                              2) Killing the enemy who is very far ahead is better for you that before.
                                                              3) Supports will have buyback more often
                                                              4) Cores are less likely to have buyback if they're farmed

                                                              So it rewards teams more for getting a single person far ahead but punishes them harder for letting that person die. 4 protect 1 back maybe?


                                                                "The overall buyback formula hasn’t been drastically altered since 6.64, back in DotA: All-Stars in 2009. That means we’ve had this for eight and a half years."

                                                                -flying courier

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  the buyback change barely does anything, if ure rich enough to have huge networth ure then also way ahead in exp, on the contraty if ure a 5k nw support u would have low level

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    it does matter for supports (because of game time), but not so much for carries.


                                                                      Gg we lost no comeback

                                                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D


                                                                        You basically repeated me

                                                                        And about gyro I think it does nerf him, since it is a buff to weak laners and he is a very strong laner

                                                                        Basically this patch is going to widen the viable carry pool

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            It's a subtle change. You won't directly feel it but it will affect the meta and play style of games.


                                                                              also legit dont understand how do people hate rubberband, its probably the single best mechanic introduced to the game that i can remember

                                                                              win in 20 mins and spend next 30 minutes with farming for hg push or just fail like twice and suddenly every enemy hero has two more items


                                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                                ^ league is for you.


                                                                                  you can get rs or bkbs first before hg ing tho,makes life easier


                                                                                    support is buff?

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      win in 20 mins and spend next 30 minutes with farming for hg push or just fail like twice and suddenly every enemy hero has two more items


                                                                                      yeah losing lanes and spending next 30 minutes sucking dick with no chance of comeback unless enemies literally chain feed u 5 times in a row sure is better

                                                                                      teams that dont do stupid shit still have no problem closing games out early, teams that do(JUST fail like twice) have to pay


                                                                                        Well at least its not a big patch like the last time so people wont experiment with picking stupid ass heroes in ranked because they just got buffed.

                                                                                        Last time i played a few ranked games just as the patch came out and boy was i pleasantly surprised when i saw that i have a Carry Kunkka and a Position 5 Lina rushing a kaya on my team. Ofc we lost.

                                                                                        Nevertheless, i moved on thinking its just a one-time thing and qued for another game in which my lovely teammate decided that its a good idea to lastpick a Mid Lion and build a shadowblade 1st item on it and then proceed to have absolutely no impact in the game while my Pos 5 Lich builds a good ol' dagon 5. How fitting.

                                                                                        Mind you, these are ~5.9k-6k average games, not 2k games where such things would be considered normal by everyone.

                                                                                        After such experiences i really wish the patches coming out every 2 weeks are as small as possible.

                                                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                          After such experiences i really wish the patches coming out every 2 weeks are as small as possible.

                                                                                          I agree, game is already complex enough, at least for trash tier players like myself, adding additional elements every 2 weeks and more confusion doesnt really help us in the process of learning this game.


                                                                                            This is how early 6.xx patches were as well, it only stabilized around 6.5x, just let it be. These are subtle changes 2 werks, it will add up in the grand scheme of things. Trust in Icefrog

                                                                                            Story Time

                                                                                              only small separate changes can be statistically analyzed. Dota2-developers learn from the data and not only from reddit. This guarantees that next changes will be better planned and justified.

                                                                                              PS hold your complaints, no one cares

                                                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                                it will add up in the grand scheme of things

                                                                                                Of course, every patch had shaked the meta a bit
                                                                                                And while they weren't huge unlike 7.07, 7.04, 7.00, 6.88 and such major patches, they still influenced a bit

                                                                                                And while 7.08 wasn't that different from 7.07, and 7.09 from 7.08, and 7.10 from 7.09, 7.10 was much different than 7.07

                                                                                                Those changes are shaking the meta frequently and making the meta shift dynamically without immediately turning everything upside down, so the process of "discovering" the changes is much less frustrating


                                                                                                  This match is the proof that Dota is almost feeder proof now.. Gyro fed mid and bot 18 kills... We still won...