General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvise me anything.

Advise me anything. in General Discussion
Λce - Gaslighting Enjoyer

    Advise me anything, gameplay related, after looking at my profile. Could be anything, like "you die too much" or any tips about what heroes / role I should / should not play or any general tips about the heroes that I have played more. Also any general tips for climbing through this bracket. Please don't be rude or disrespectful. Thanks.

    Visita Hari Danta

      You're bad. My advice? Get good.


        Last pick OD or Viper to win a lane and dont pick support it is a boring role. If did not get mid or carry, go afk jungle or feed. Legit tips here.


          your waifu is awful

          change the profile pic


            Never play huskar. He depends on your team being coordinated or theirs being uncoordinated.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              die less


                my advice?

                dont ask for advice in dotabuff :p

                analyze replays or go get a coach if you're really serious about improving

                Λce - Gaslighting Enjoyer

                  @NorthernEclipse 3k pubs are very uncoordinated. I pick Huskar for offlane when they don't have a good support duo and / or have a magical core. It works great till mid game, but falls off if the game goes late.
                  Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.


                    Never play huskar. He depends on your team being coordinated or theirs being uncoordinated.

                    you can win 90% of ur games in ancient/divine border if u lastpick huskar every game

                    Story Time
                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                        I like to think I'm a good Huskar player comparing to other Huskars in my bracket (or even a bit higher). But He just falls behind after his very early power spike (Armlet), and in our brackets It's not even close to ending a game.
                        I only pick it to create space and pressure for my core. so, Yeah

                        You have a big hero pool I'm jealous. I can only win with PL atm -.-

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