General Discussion

General Discussioni hate trolls....

i hate trolls.... in General Discussion

    just had a game where a 2 stack trolled rest of team for 30mins.

    They bought courier then dropped it at other teams base, so we couldnt have courier for rest of game.

    Then they proceeded to try and "stop" block whoever was closest and troll with spells.

    I think the report system still needs some work. It's better than it was.


      Not sure I entirely agree with 1 courier for the game and thats it though. Im not sure what best route for this is. Cause people on your team can feed courier over and over. But typically they feed once or twice and forget. IDK

      just my 2 cents.

      how do you deal with trolls?


        theres no way you can deal with trolls,just accept the fact that you will lose that game,and move on to the next one, but you can tick the strict solo matchmaking in the option so you wont be getting into games with stacks


          yea, i have been trying to get into habbit of just muting/ignore right from beginning. These kids where 100% dedicated for 30mins non stop 100% anything and everything.

          Just never seen such a troll pair.

          Been able to grind up my solo MMR pretty good lately, but its been soo hard trying grind up my party mmr.


            If you want to get more mmr, I suggest just playing unranked today. Play rank again when you're not angry anymore.