General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Grinding

MMR Grinding in General Discussion

    Anyone down to grind out MMR? I'm an Archon trying to hit legend and I play a lot. Friend ID 158066772 - US servers.

    Solo Leveling

      Add me


        Hit me with that friend ID and I got u

        Solo Leveling

          Ill add you with yours. Im at work dont know mine off top. What Server u Play on?


            why dont you grind solo mmr, it seems much easier on non-weekend days imho


              Grinding to legend are much faster when you play solo mmr


                I play US west or east. I've found party a lot easier, can't do anything with 4 retards on my team. Having at least ONE other competent person on your team can make all the difference, I think it's easier to win a game with two cores instead of one, regardless of what you're up against.


                  130945653 us servers.


                    Say no more.

                    Machado98 #xatubaking

                      dude 360 invoker matches with less than 50% winrate is ridiculous, give up on the hero and play something with less brain required
                      you will never get to legend by spamming mediocre invoker, even for Archon standarts