General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy nobody wants Midas on Riki ?

Why nobody wants Midas on Riki ? in General Discussion

    It's hard for Riki to farm and gain level if your team is not winning ... Still no one ever suggest Midas on Riki ?


      because your biggest powerspike is when you get diffushal blade. midas sets the time when you can get it further behind, enemy cores probably already have a bkb by then.


        btw brown boots BF daedalus is a bad build and youll stay 1k forever with it.


          How about Midas after diffusal ? Or having Midas so late in game is also not a good idea ?


            Riki can't farm a midas quick enough to be effective and midas gives him nothing really even armlet is better than it

            Potato Marshal

              Because Midas is garbage


                I tried few times and only time when i see usefullis when you have team that can carry you in mid game, and you can easy get midas, to close lvl grap without any suffer for your team, but it`s still 15, to 20 min midas what is totaly stupid, if you play as poss 4.
                If you plasy as posss 1 (i`ve never tried that) you really don`t need, midas just slows you down. Riki doesn`t do much with midas.
                If your team lossing, oponent team push hard, you can farm their jungle, or try go ganks suports, cour, or cutting creeps ways, `case you are good to avoid hroes something like storm can do, but you don`t have to run from base to lains and back to base offten.

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  Riki Is not a hero who Is about being build Up monster but about what enemies needs to give Up.

                  And diffusal (+boots) Is everything you need.

                  As soon As you have diffusal, you sólo kill any support untill they have forcestaff. That means they have to group Up, buy a lots otlf wards. So delayed items. Like 30minutes Force or dagger.

                  And if they Are not able to teamfight And push, your team just get advantage.

                  Midas makes you creep untill like 30 minutes...


                    Why is anyone building midas on any hero?


                      ^midas can be good when you get it like really early (e.g. you arer slark and win rune fight with triple kill->4 min midas is legit) else only invoker really needs a midas (because he needs lvl more than anything) and maybe lone druid.

                      for riki: you buy midas for 2k gold get no dmg, teamfight or utility. while diffusal for 3k gold gives riki 80 (!!) dmg, a mana burn and a slow.
                      and thats like all the items riki needs... he doesnt need gold to be effective. just ult+diffu (and sometimes an aghanims)


                        👈 7.05 is that way, if you're still going midas on everybody

                        boni top fan

                          Ld doesnt go for midas rn, domi seems better lol

                          boni top fan

                            As for riki, since midas got nerfed, midas isnt really worth it, heck even aquilla is better than it.


                              I think battlefury better in that case lol why buy midas recipe when you only 600 gold short of demon edge

                              Story Time

                                the question is a typical df trolling