General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry riki build?

Carry riki build? in General Discussion

    I've been doing diffusal basher sny bfly abyssal

    deso better than basher? or add aghs somewhere what are people doing

    lone dog

      you probably want basher over deso so you can keep them in the ring when you go on them.
      I haven't played him much but it's pretty stupid how much damage you deal with just diffusal yasha upgrade

      Banskiie II

        Bf is kind of stupid but if you have free farm go for it. A good carry riki item progression would be:

        Pre 15 min:

        Manta(If the enemies are carrying so much dusts)

        Late game:
        Nullifier(To purge/stop force staff,ghost,bkb and euls users)
        Dagger(Optional for quick initiations and escapes)

        Other good late game options:
        Divine rapier

        Put in mind: Riki is a stomper/snowball hero and falls off at late game when the enemy can lock you down and have good detection carriers. Riki is soft when caught by the enemy so its obvious that anyone can burst you down very quickly.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          Riki is a stomper/snowball hero and falls off at late game when the enemy can lock you down and have good detection

          dude, with 25 u are just machine gun agi carry who is invincible for 7 seconds and can attack anyone in area 2x size of the screen... id say if anything you just keep getting stronger when u get 20 blink talent and 25 ult talent, compared to another carry like sniper or juggs talents

          the damage is insane

          Banskiie II

            Ofc the damage is insane, you could literally solo any carry late game but if the enemy groups up later and have decent ways of stopping you and your mg output. You're toast.

            Riki can't split push and deal tower damage. Gem kills his vibe.

            That's why he's played as 3/4 because of the utility he has and damage output is very good.

            Fact is 900 blink strike and smoke talents are fucking insane. 6 sec duration smoke on a 4 sec cd? Thats just stupid.

            Riki is a good core but a better utility hero.


              ur not toast u just kill everyone instead of 1 guy dude

              unless the enemy team is 5x centaur it doesnt matter, 6/7 seconds and .4s attack = 15/17 attacks , people are fucking dying to that even if they clump

              and clumping is NOT GOOD, forcing people to clump is a benefit in itself


                Riki is one of the strongest late gamers lmao, problem is getting there

                Nullifier alone lets him solo most people without his ult


                  pretty sure phase (aquila) battlefury sny aghanims deso skadi is the build ( the idea is that you do a lot of damage with your ultimate if you got enough +dmg items hence the phase bfury, so you build slows-on-attack to ensure ppl dont run away, aghanims so you can infest your frontliner, and deso to 1/2-hit supports unfortunate enough to find themselves in your AOE and hit towers)

                  but for low coordination pubs you can always go diffusal-nullifier, and you also need bkb because you probably wont be able to just get away with carrying via aghanims.

                  i myself find quite good success with a casual crysalis build but im not playing in divine

                  and i suck at riki pos1 myself (i play him as a 4 sometimes 3)

                  and yea if ppl clump you rampage with battlefury lol

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    theres not much point going bfury tbh

                    even divine 5 pubs are easy to pick off as riki, so i see no reason why you should ever farm creeps over heroes in any kind of pubs

                    phase aquila diffusal basher, then you can decide if you want team fight more (aghs) or pickoff more (nullifier)

                    manta if they're hunting you with gem + orchid or something

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      Does echo sabre + aghs still works? Or is it patched?


                        patched, it lasted like one weekend then was gone


                          imho aghanim is THE item on riki. 10 seconds where you are not targetable and still deal dmg (even more than if you were attacking) and that with a 30 sec cd. so 33% of game time you are invincible.
                          sny doesnt seem like a good item (since it has a proc chance and is not guaranteed), but yasha into manta is really good on a core riki (when enemy has silences, dusts etc) or a skadi (it offers slow on every ult hit and super good hp).
                          i guess someone alrdy said it but nullifier is a must have lategame (for ghosts, forcestaffs and bkbs).

                          so boots, diffu, agha, manta (or skadi), nullifier and then you got a slot left and thats a divine because at this point you will only lack dmg^^

                          Lruce Bee

                            I would say Bashar is ridiculous on Riki. It's broken.


                              I would say Bashar is ridiculous on Riki. It's broken.

                              Well he’s broken in Syria too


                                Prefer aghs over dagger tho

                                я алоха ник рыбеха

                                  Please don't pick this hero in my games :D


                                    BASHAR lmfao

                                    Johnny Travaka prime

                                      Tribo succ -25