General Discussion

General DiscussionResult of a 1-month survey about game quality in 500 MMR - 3500 MMR

Result of a 1-month survey about game quality in 500 MMR - 3500 MMR in General Discussion

    Games in 500 MMR are more enjoyable, especially Low Priority games.
    On the countrary, 3.5k avg games are filled with people who claim to be smurfs with ~3k games and those who tilt a lot and proceed to feed right after seeing their lane getting crushed by a duo-lane.
    TY for your attention


      ok w/e

      Mr. Breast

        Tribo succ beastmaster's big axe

        Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

          n0one crs. ty

          lone dog

            Incidentally, 4k avg games are a blessing where nobody actually feeds but everyone just complains all the time so you can easily carry games

            whereas in 5k people are committed to feeding and actually griefing because if they can't win the game 1v5 then the game is unwinnable for them cause they are 5k GODS