General Discussion

General DiscussionIdiot terminology translaor: Terms that Tilt you

Idiot terminology translaor: Terms that Tilt you in General Discussion

    I go farm- afk jungle
    War- teamfight
    Visit- rotate/gank
    Me solo- I want to offlane AM
    Anything typed in SEA: hurrrr durrrrrhususuuuurhrhhr
    Solo supp: We pick like idiots and are going to bark at lastpick the whole game
    So dark: Im the best player in the world and the only reason I died was because of lack of intormation on enemy locations

    Ова тема је измењена

      Gg support no gank - midlaner got stomped one on one by the opposing mid laner


        ^dies on enemy hill at nighttime
        Gg where is my team

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          report miss???????


            GG no miss team noob

            ''my mental apacity doesnt allow me to watch the minimap every few seconds''


              anything tbh

              Pale Mannie


                Lruce Bee

                  Idiot ever


                    anything on sea server is stupid


                      Tanker= frontliner
                      Meet me lobby/1v1 mid= my mom never hugged me
                      Noobest ____ ever= I never learned basic english


                        Bobo team - im the only good player in my team, fuck matchmaking

                        Nothing tilts me more than hearing this from someone at 5 mins in the game


                          No(insert shit item name here)???= It worked for me 4 patches ago and it’s the only correct build
                          Commend me=I’m insecure and need validation
                          Report____= REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


                            no miss?????????!!!!???!!!?????


                            look at the fucking map

                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                              People who say Rosh-AN instead of Rosh-ON

                              Really wets my willie.

                              Machado98 #xatubaking

                                Peroovians with the infamous:

                                xd = i am retarded

                                :v = i am retarded and i play minecraft

                                eres kk = i am 8yo playing in a lan house disconnecting every 10min


                                  Oh and the term “hitter” is pretty annoying


                                    Free hit- enemy range carry had no priority in being taken down in fights
                                    Anything " Your mom"- Universal SEA Server insult
                                    Injoker- I am not godlike at 7 mins or I missed a sunstrike or im not 9k like Miracle or It was just irrelevant to cast a combo.
                                    Mid more- I was gonna mid, you took it, now you fucked everything up because you died once in 11 mins and you didnt win us the game
                                    Report- report X player because X took mid and we arent winning
                                    Anything "More"- Carry more, mid more, ward more, support more, feed more, ks more.... you name it man.
                                    Report MY NOOB TEAM- says the 2/7/3 slark

                                    Tl:dr fuck this server really brain dead.