General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge hook from Np sprout

Pudge hook from Np sprout in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Have you guys seen this? I encountered it in a pub. Np would just spam sprout on you and pudge would hook. You couldn't dodge the hook because you were stuck in sprout. You can't dodge sprout cus it's unit target. All you can really do is always make sure creeps are between you and pudge, but that's pretty rough since you're trying to cs and he can move around in fog.

    Anyway is this a legit move or a cheese strat? Have you seen it before? It completely fucked up our lane and we basically had to abandon it or bring whole team to gank.

    Solo Leveling

      buy a quelling blade and get out of the sprout. im suprised your high Legend and dont understand how to get out of sprout

      Solo Leveling

        you can even use tangos.....


          that seems a pretty good stuff actually,even if you react to destroy the tree you still will get hooked

          Dire Wolf

            well you can do that but you run out of tangos and I was on a ranged carry, plus if pudge is timing his hooks well you won't chop the tree and move out of the sprout in time. On a melee carry it's a no brainer of course.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              you can do the same with literally any other stun/root/whatever anyway.


                np will destroy your lane,with a pudge hooking from lvl 1 and lvl 2 np sprouting all over with treants blocking your way after the hook will certainly kill everyone


                  Someone here discovered the gunpowder...


                    what about ion cannons?


                      This strat is good for early game, and do not fit in every game, but it's certainly fun to do it.


                        People literally build atos on Pudge. Why are you surprised?


                          Because atos can't be built from starting gold


                            Yes and the same with literally any kind of stun? Get stunned get hooked!

                            Saucy Edwin

                              Yeah I was going to say that the exact same thing applies to any stun in the game. Shaman shackles, wind shackles, Lion's earth spike, it's the same way for sunstrike too.

                              Saucy Edwin

                                Also, its super likely that unless you're doing this with a friend, the Prophet just blocks your hooks with treants.

                                Lruce Bee

                                  Yea this literally applies to any early game setup + hook. Lol. Bane nightmare into hook is another one. The point is to be positioned properly so u don't get combo duh

                                  me, government hooker



                                      What Is the difference between sprout And disable from rubick (who can even move you Closer to pudge) or any stun? 1/3 Heroes can prepare Hook.


                                        even on a ranged carry you can buy quelling blade. if you survive it already paid of.


                                          i miss when bane/sd + potm was the go to combo


                                            you and literally nobody else

                                            flourishing new leaf

                                              Am i supposed to be impressed?


                                                Guys, shadow demon banished me and then kunkka torrented, is this a bug? Stuns me every time


                                                  OD Mirana
                                                  SD Mirana
                                                  Void Invoker
                                                  Void Sky
                                                  LC Invoker
                                                  LC Sky

                                                  anything that's hard to land combined with easy disables work.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    Naga siren mirana lol, 5 second root + 5 second stun