General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you warm up before your games?

How do you warm up before your games? in General Discussion

    So, I started to play cs:go recently and my high ranked friends gave me some tips how to increase my performance in cs:go MM. For example, in cs:go ppl play DM before playing MM. It helped me a lot tbh. If I played DM for one hour I noticed that I performed way better in my ranked matches. I wasn't a potato.

    Frankly, I never even though about it in dota. I always just played my games without warming up. Back in the days I was first picking my WK and missing my last hits in first games.

    Now I really want to raise my mmr and I'm learning new heroes as well as a new position. So, what do you usually do before playing MM in dota? What's your warm-up routine? Another question would be: are there any training custom maps in dota 2(something like last hit training)?

    Also I get triggered so much when I'm a position 5 and my position 1 misses last hits with a quelling blade on free farm. Sometimes I'm asking whats wrong and my carry player tells me that it's his first game of the day. Sometimes ppl miss skills and they say the same excuse. Losing first game of the day is not an option.

    What do you really think about this topics guys? Do you really think that you can improve your micro by doing some pre-game routine? Pls share your thoughts and experiences. Thanks in advance d==(^__^)


      Try battlerite for skillshot and outplay practice


        i don't warm up but i probably should play a turbo or 2 before.


          fap Hard


            Getting a higher score in google's dinosaur minigame



              Овај коментар је измењен

                watch good people replays before playing ranked if you feel not in 100%
                it's really good

                Muhammad Sumbul

                  Play lobby games with easy(deafault valve bots) on your team and keep the opponent bots Unfair(Script:Bot Experiment credit furiouspuppy).If you dont help out your team the opponent will have about 70 kills by 30 min mark


                    i just demo hero as sf and practice cs there or invoker in demo trying some combos

                    boni top fan

                      Play one normal match first, warm up for the brain, just like in every math lessons, there is at least one problem that he teacher teaches us how to solve


                        Wank to release warm fluid which makes your hand warm


                          no preparation




                              Wank ur dick and masturbate