General Discussion

General Discussionmake new account or stay in current account ?

make new account or stay in current account ? in General Discussion

    i play in SEA server and i first callibrated at 2.7k or something then i started losing bad really bad cause of 5 man carry team puntangino mo bobo mid and feed ,etc now im at 1.7k lost 1k mmr and this is the cancerous mmr to get what to do?


      All medals are going to recalibrate in 4 days so no need to make a new account
      Keep hanging in there brother


        Making a new account =/= Make you a better player.


          ah the classic my team is holding me back


            U should actually know the real answer shouldn't u?

            If u think team took u down that mmr if i was the one playing those lost games i shouldve also lost the games u lost right?

            The answer is no and making new accs wont work. Trust me i made a shit ton. U'r the same player and u think changing the acc without changing anything about u will fix things


              Oh btw, dont worry about the losses. I calibrated at 3.2k at main, and dropped to 2.8k and was bouncing up and down in ~3k for ~2 years. Then after all this tine put on learning dota i made some right decisions and grinded from flat 3k to 4.3k right now in 3 and a half months


                thanks for positive and non toxic reviews...


                  I am a SEA player i started at 812 then went to 600 mmr but by having psoitive attitude and learning from pro players I am 2k now so just watch youtube replays and stay positive.


                    ifu would get good stats on a new account u would have good stats on an old account already


                      if you lose 1k mmr being 2.7k you clearly not 2.7k player


                        Lol of you think you're belong in the higher bracket and could reach it with a new account then why you cant climbing out of the 1.7k trench xd


                          make a new account, life is too long to make anything usefull with it anyway


                            im calibrating at 4.1k when mmr first introdouced(2013), have been on 3.1k mmr and now at 5100. my highest was 5400. i think u just keep playing and improving, no point making new account.

                            cursed by Gaben

                              Well, I lm in SEA and calibrated in 28xx in May-June 2017, and now im 485x mmr Divide 1 Star.

                              5 carry? So why dont you go for the support instead? In order to boost your mmr the key is that you should cooperate with your team but not your team to accommodate your wishes/request.

                              For me, the key to get out 2~3k bracket is to bring a tp to help/ sod to gank their mid lane before he is level 3~5. The game will be so much easier for your team to snowball for several successful gank on their mid laner. Lower bracket usually let mid laners free farm until lv6 until they r unstoppable.

                              cursed by Gaben

                                Watching pros replays also help u to learn