General Discussion

General Discussionhow long?

how long? in General Discussion

    for how long i must get random low brainless people in my rank matchs? how long it takes really? so obviouse that the matchmaking system doesn't work balance and im sure about it! how long i must play this game 1v9? any one really believe in "every game is winnable" ? if u are tell me how i support brainless carry? how i carry 1v9 game when the other team is normal people and my teammates in losing streak and they calibrated out of their skill? how the fuck winning in 2k when u got loser team is possible?


      When you stop being one


        yeah ty for help funny guy :)


          Random fun facts: If you are good enough as you claim to be you can carry your team with ease, especially in normal skill bracket, their game knowledge and mechanics are so bad its very easy to bait them tilt them and smash them.

          IF you need your teammate to win game for you, you are in exact bracket where you belong.

          Watch your replay and see what have you done and didnt worked and why it didnt worked, what could you do better etc, wards are cheap they cost 75 gold and last 6 minutes thats 1.5 creeps literally no excuse to not buy one and relying on your support who is probably dreaming on 5man ult with aghanims.


            dude u are 1k and dont know anything about this game! sry! but this is a true fact! but if u are so believe in ur self see the games i carry then talk about that, ok? u can't carry random bot brains when u are playing against 5 normal people! u can do shit when ur team feeding!

            Овај коментар је измењен
            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Your enemy team has the same problem too.
              You just don't know because humans can't do telepathy yet.

              SASA POPOVIC

                Do i really need to relog on my main account to prove you a valid point i made?

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  dude u are 1k and dont know anything about this game! sry!

                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                    Another ,, i'm 2 pro, my teammates are trash'' thread. You're as bad as ur teammates, dota puts u in the braket u deserve to be. Ur enemies are trash as ur team is, but they manage whether to outdraft u or to outplay u. As long as u have this kind of mindset u won't be able to get out of ur braket. Try to improve urself first, watch ur own games and see how awful u were, learn ur mistakes, don't act like a pro, don't flame on ur teammates, don't tilt them, don't demoralize them it won't give u any benefit, it will only make ur team's game experience worse. Try switching roles, don't pick another core if ur team already has 3.
                    It's very easy to get out of 2k braket, even when playing as a pos5, at least it was for me.


                      y y another u are trash as ur teammate answer :))) do u even bother urself checking my games? problem is when u got report for nothing! u will get bad conduct and after that u will match with people had same manner but the point is 90% of those reported for being a real noob! so u will match with losers and no way get out of this :)


                        You made like 5 comments i this thread and all of them make you seem like you deserve every report you may get. As well as every bad teammate you get for ruining their games with your toxicity.


                          so what is the point of that? u want i say thank u to carries waste my time one hour for their godlike item strategy? :)))
                          or just watch this
                          i tired of ap so i thinked things going little bit better on ranked roles mode but i got two support pudge and techies :))))
                          u want me to say thank u to them too hah?

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Also random chatlog from a game you abandoned, common bro...


                            edit: Watch what? Your inability to draft? PL into Legion commander WR and Silencer, you are pro drafter my friend you should be on TI coaching.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              yeah dude whatever maybe u right! maybe i deserve support invoker who saying playing 6 year dota and losing mid too sky :))) 3 lvl behind after 6 year this is my fault . i choosed wrong words :))) that was the problem on that game not invo or not slark ;)

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                Skywrath very weak hero on mid :)))
                                He has every tool to shit on invoker and every spell caster in the game.



                                  IKR what Invoker loses mid to a Sky.


                                    edit: Watch what? Your inability to draft? PL into Legion commander WR and Silencer, you are pro drafter my friend you should be on TI coaching.

                                    well sry dude but i tried to counter their cores maybe??? and course i pick sth i play and farm better and in 2k really lc cant counter pl :/
                                    and u sure silencer counter pl? :))) after manta what he can do :/

                                    and also i dont get what are u saying! really the problem was pl?????? reallly?

                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                      So you have picked pl into 3 counters because of 1 ursa, the most kitable hero in the game even tho you had omni and pudge on your team, yes problem was pl, you will manta out from global silence good for you, then you will probably doppleganger out of last word and instantly receive overwhelming odds and die like a monkey with no ability to press, your manta and other item timing was very late im not even gonna comment your building damage with pl


                                        I don't need my team to win games for me i need them to stop feed and stop picking shit carries i mean come who the fuck plays huskar vs axe and necro?

                                        Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                          Guys, he is another toxic ignorant 2k pleb. Leave him alone untill he finally rage quits doto and go play tetris, at least there he won't be salty that much... but who knows lol.

                                          -1 toxic keeeed in this game.

                                          PS: also that wordcloud proves that his toxicity level in his blood is way too high to play this game properly.


                                            Harold :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) tell me u kidding me? we had omni? we had pudge? come on :)))) 1 out of 18 and 5 out of 18 :))) yeah we had omni and pudge and pl played so bad on that game :) yeah no tower damage because i stop playing that game and stop trying for that people :)
                                            ok fine u helped me a lot dude ty for answers!

                                            Agent L

                                              I don´t know if this post is funny or sad. As Harold stated you can carry lower brackets really easilly (even with supports). So the problem is your skill. Case closed.

                                              Agent L

                                                "yeah no tower damage because i stop playing that game" yeah this is also problem besides your toxicity and low skill

                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                  Heres an advice, instead of focusing on counterpicking cores, focus on your team, pick heros that synergies with them, unless you are smurfing you cant win on your own, you nees to work with your teammates, how many of their deaths would beprevented if you were actualy with them? According to your score your impact on that game was non existent.

                                                  Instead of focusing on kills, try focusing on objectives, you should look on kills only as barriers that prevent you in destroying objectives, afterall they dont respawn like heroes do. If you have wiped enemy team and you didnt take a single tower or at least Roshan, you might aswell been farming instead of figthting becase its meaningless.

                                                  In dota you can always recover from a bad fight, but you cant rebuild your base.


                                                    Nah its just you already stuck on your skill and cant be climb higher. If you think you're better than those 'random brainless' teammates then why you can't stomp your games on your own?


                                                      Maybe your team would play better if you weren't constantly insulting them the whole game.

                                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                        you're the meaning of toxic dude, what do you expect? anyways, if you'd were toxic but a good player it's a little bit acceptable, but as an archon player that's just way more trasher than your teammates playing just bad.

                                                        the better spidey

                                                          When you stop being bad lmao.


                                                            Dog player


                                                              Watch Pros or replays. Watch their every single move and if you can't understand why they are doing that, try to imitate them first. Learn their farm patterns and positioning, with these 2 skills you can solo carry your team. And never overextend. As a support, you need to be creative with ward placements and sustain during teamfights. Also not being toxic and having PMA helps.


                                                                for how long i must get random low brainless people in my rank matchs?
                                                                as long as youre brainless yourself


                                                                  try to play dota for fun

                                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                    man you can see my profile for my last 20 games or so, I've been getting great stats and still losing, yet you don't see me whining. just play on till you get those wins, thats all.

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      the OP is not only toxic but also useless player and deserve his bracket, pls do not discuss anything with him, he does not simply has the capacity to understand


                                                                        just win more looooool


                                                                          r u seriously suggesting invoker should win mid vs sky lmfao
                                                                          and then u call others braindead :thinking:

                                                                          silent hill ambience [10 ...

                                                                            just win loool




                                                                                I went thru 2k bracket with wisp pos 4,5 only ,there is no other hero relying so much on teammates so stop crying about braindead players,couse im sure youre the one with missing few wheels up there.


                                                                                  create a new account if u are so good


                                                                                    Another daily dose of 2k toxic core picker that only blames your team for inability to climb mmr

                                                                                    Patch may change, player didn't :|


                                                                                      Just fucking win if youre better than everyone else, it has been done thousands of times