General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick cast

Quick cast in General Discussion
Rahul is gay

    Just wonder what is better having it enable or disable, causes I see some streamers use it some won't.
    Thx for replies


      Personally i would say quick cast is better because when i changed from normal to quick cast i can react better and faster the problem is if i havent played hero like void for a long time i would forget chrono aoe

      Rahul is gay

        Yeah the pissing off thing about quick cast is that you cant double tap a button to use the item on yourself but rather have to hover over your character instead and that could that a lot of time as well. Really confused on which one i should be using.


          Custom quick cast button 4What

          Rahul is gay

            right right thx


              I use quickcast on every item and spell, in exception to ALT+D where I have my boots of travel/TP - and custom normal cast for abilities if needed. imo quickcast is alot better

              Овај коментар је измењен

                yeah, u save 1 action at everything
                i use quick cast for everything but tp/boots slot


                  Rahul make me some chicken curry dude wtf you asking questions here for, get back to the kitchen


                    <-- using quickcast on anything but AOE ground target spells where edge placement is very important, like chrono, magnetic field, acid spray. selfuse stuff by alt-tapping instead of doubletapping it works fine for me

                    i leave 2 or 3 itemslots on regular cast. tps, forcestaff, euls. stuff you wanna use on yourself quickly in risky situations.

                    Овај коментар је измењен
                    Mad Scientist

                      other than tp and forcestaff/euls i have quick cast

                      Mungo Time

                        Quickcast for 99% of abilities and just assign cast to whatever heroes ability you want like chrono.

                        @Rahul just use alt plus whatever you want to use


                          2 of my item slots are quick cast, ult is always quick cast. thats how i do it. seems to work fine for me. i use my thumb mouse buttons to quick cast pretty much exclusively (mouse button 3-5).

                          Story Time

                            what is quickcast? :P

                            Choke on your sanctimony

                              depends on the hero honestly, and the person too.
                              Whenever i play earth spirit, i put everything in quickcast except stone remnant, easy to combo.
                              Whenever i play invoker, nothing is in quickcast, except items, cant cast ss properly in quickcast, its just that im not used to it, otherwise i think it doesnt make much difference,
                              Whenever i play ember, i have tried to keep sleight of fist on and off quickcast, both seems to work fine but in clutch situations, its theoretically easier to do slight chains combo without quickcast ( i learnt with quickcast so i have not worked with other one a lot, and i miss about 1/2 sleight chains combo in a game, not more than that)
                              Meepo, i dont think there is anyway to play without quickcast
                              unless u are absolutely used to a hero, ground targetted AOE spells need to be off quickcast for good placements, as some people here already pointed out.


                                Good for meepo