General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman spammer

Shadow Shaman spammer in General Discussion

    Should we also build veil on shaman?


      build whatever you want. there are Rylais out there that build deso and malestorm.

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        I spammed rhasta for a while too. Fun hero with mobility items. But I like Oracle more.

        Mode : TOPSON

          i want to be known as invoker spammer ...


            Ive used veil on Shaman. Sure. Depends who im against. I also love a maelstrom on Shaman, but I get griefed when I buy one.

            Kapitan Timba

              kaya is a good situational late game item because it saves you mana somehow if you have an aghs refreshers thats going to drain your mana in one use.


                I don't understand why Shadow Shammans die so much, I tend to die with Shamman an average of like 7 times, not 12...

                Kapitan Timba

                  it because when enemies see you shakling someone, they use everything on you :D

                  Kapitan Timba

                    just reached level 25 shaman :D

                    Yami Yugi

                      Dedicated support player from low bracket? You're a Goddamn hero!


                        Your mentality is awesome - but your gameplay/itemization is terrible
                        Don't take that as toxic shit... it's just something for u to think about and to take it as healthy criticism:
                        Your itemization is plain generic and there's not much variation and adaptation to the situation at hand/in the game.
                        You always - or at least most of the time - go for the same items and don't adapt to the enemy heroes.
                        E.g. If u would play against mobile heroes u have nothing to chase them or even get close to them and by the time ur in range to shakle or hex they could already blink away -> and that's cause u never go for blink/force staff
                        I know blink is expensive for a pos 5 support who has to buy all the wards but if u can greed it out u have a big advantage on the enemy cause u can blink+hex and since hex is instant they can't react in time.
                        Force staff is a really good item too if u can't get the money for blink and force is helping you greatly against slows and u can save your teammates aswell.
                        Another good survivability item for u could be a glimmer cape since u can go for a hero, shackle him and be invis when done right.

                        In my opinion it's just boring to always play the same hero but I don't argue with u when u like to play the hero a lot but u can still improve when playing him and adapt to the situation and enemy heroes.

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                        Yami Yugi

                          yeah dude take this guy's advice, I play phoenix a lot and recently (after a grandious losing streak) I start to adapt the opposing team's line up (though I even try other heroes too, recently SS)


                            Shaman's pretty fun. I like cast range and mobility on Shaman.

                            Kapitan Timba

                              im close to catching you bro 😁

                              Cheesy Wenis

                                These shaman spammers are an inspiration. One day I hope to spam chen as well as they can spam shaman.