General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting into Very High Skill playing support--impossible?

Getting into Very High Skill playing support--impossible? in General Discussion
no0btail fanboy

    Has anyone ever tried to smurf playing only support heroes and getting into Very High Skill and eventually getting good MMR?

    First and foremost, I genuinely do not like playing carry. My most comfortable role is support and I love playing it. However, it seems that in order for me to get into the Very High Skill bracket and stay there, I have to keep playing carry.

    I'm only 24 games into this account. If you can observe my first several games, I spammed my most comfortable core heroes in Axe and Chaos Knight just to test things. Even with low win rate, I got into High Skill and then Very High Skill after a few games. And then I started playing support and my skill bracket went down to High Skill and eventually back to Normal Skill.

    This really pisses me off because I really prefer playing position 4 and 5. Like the question, has anyone ever played ONLY SUPPORT and stay in Very High Skill until they calibrate MMR?

    I really don't want to be playing cores for 100 games until I calibrate but is this really what I have to do?


      It is impossible

      In 3k the cores play so horribly support WR maybe 30%
      Always diving tier 4s demand last pick into 5 counters no objectives.
      In 4k my support winrate is 70%


        Actually, if you deserve a very high skill title you should be able to stomp people with just ablut any support all by yourself. Im talking about skhmage rhasta lion dw etc. But u cant get into vhs if u are playing casually. You need to be aggresive and pressure those normal skill kids, u need to go 24-3 with a shadow shaman and to ward around the map and do the rest sulportive things. Id say a skywrath is absolutely unprecedented for this kind of climbing. Its a simple matter of "fantasy points" . Altho u , as a support, will gdt a solid number of the f-points(by not dying , warding, aquiring assists, using smokes etc etc) your winrate will balance this out. So even if u play supp to the near perfection u will still stay in the same bracket due to ur winrate. The only way is to aquire both fantasy points AND a good winrate-which is only possible if you carry your games from the supp role, sort to speak. This is all data from personal experience and not babbling in vain. I have boosted many accou ts woth all sorts of heroes such as aa ss lion dazzle or virtually any support that can deal damage. Ogre magi special notion ;) . But you cannot expect to climb the skill brackets if you casually support your normal skill team. You have to be above normal in every akill bracket to get to the highest one. That being said your conditions for getting I to vhs are: least amount of deaths, highest amount of wards, smokes, heals etc, highest possible assist death ratio, highest possible kill death a
        ssist ratio, and highest possible winrate.


          Impossible ? Lmao. Just look at my account. Also I think commends also affect the bracket you were fighting into.


            commends are a part of your behaviour score I think, so having more of those certainly cant hurt xd

            no0btail fanboy

              I get commended a lot as support. Contrary to other people's experiences, I rarely get flamed as support and many times I still get commends even though we lose. In my main account's bracket (2kish), people breathe a sigh of relief when someone first picks support. It's just frustrating that every game is a mess in lower brackets.

              It seems true though that it is easier to calibrate a higher MMR when playing carry. The hidden criteria seems more straight forward than support. I did get into Very High Skill for several games doing that. But my enjoyment playing on Very High Skill as carry vs playing there as support isn't the same.

              I feel like what I need to do is play carry until I calibrate a good MMR, because then only winning and losing matters not stats. It just seems like a pain in the ass spamming the same carries for 110 games lol.


                It's about average performance per bracket. Uncertainty goes down very fast if you 25-0 for a couple games in a row regardless of original setting.

                You can choose never played/RTS whatever... If you perform in your first few games you'll be in VHS.

                Support can and will take you high but you need to purchase gem ASAP and command the buffoons on your team.


                  yes you can carry as a god tier roamer, pudge, clock... etc, just kill everything early and scale into late game by solo killing their cores.

                  Retnuh Flim

                    It is possible. Check my account. Started from Archon III 2.8k I solo grind only using Lich 3.8k now Legend IV and still climbing. From normal to VHS

                    Just watch BSJ videos man. I watched more than 10 videos lengthening for more than 1 hour each video

                    Gl just grind man

                    Lruce Bee

                      definitely possible.


                        i get vhs by playing supp, but sometimes lost still cannot be avoided if u have a team that cant be cooperate, in early game just try co op with ur pos 4 or ur offlaner cuz 2 1 2 meta, just be ready w tp when playing supp, stack etc gl


                          before 3500 cap,my friend is a pos 4 and get 4k (we from dota 1)
                          its very possible,im sure if you are skillful enough
                          supports literally destroy everyone on early game imo


                            It is impossible

                            In 3k the cores play so horribly support WR maybe 30%
                            Always diving tier 4s demand last pick into 5 counters no objectives.
                            In 4k my support winrate is 70%


                              It’s possible but u have to pick something like pudge,Sky,wr,mirana,techies


                                Have you guys considered that your support skills just plain sucks? I am sure even if your 4k or 5k or whatever 6k ur support mmr is like 2k. I am sure most of you think oh I got some wards I ganked a few times I supported. But you didn't even half the job the role required. It is like saying oh I attack a few towers and got high cs I carried.


                                  try spamming LC Woods for very high skill bracket

                                  play for fun

                                    maybe try going party with someone in vhs


                                      I came from 3k flat, i spammed earth spirit, then i got to 4k with him, became versatile with roles and got to 5k then finally quit this game. Its possible to get vhs as a support, you just need to be good at that role, lead your team to victory, ask nicely for smoke ganks, taking objectives etc.