General Discussion

General DiscussionMentality for spamming a single hero?

Mentality for spamming a single hero? in General Discussion
The Spanish Inquisition

    I can't seem to be able to spam a single hero for more than a few games without getting bored. Hero spammers out there, could you share your insights, tips, things you do, etc?

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      absolute will to win

      Cancer Malaria

        Because that one hero is fun for that particular person?


          then don't, that's for tryhards who want to gain mmr.

          if you're just casually playing then just play casually and in a couple thousand matches you'll be higher mmr.


            When you have fun by winning spamming hero isn't chore anymore


              absolute will to win and play hero that is hard and all time happen learning and that see that happen

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Having a good grasp of the hero feels good.

                Player 281121816

                  Just change your pp into anime girl pp. Ez immortal rank


                    i find it boring, and get mad when i play 1 hero constantly, but who knows im 2k trash :p


                      > I spam treant
                      > I see enemies tilting when I play my fav. aoe-control hero
                      > I win


                        Love spamming certain heroes. When shit goes on muscle-memory and you truly can just sit down and learn more and more of the game, while you are actually winning, carrying your team no mather what pos, oh man, best feeling ever.

                        Hatrið mun sigra

                          ^this. I did it when spamming Axe through 2k
                          Alternatively, you could spam 2-3 heroes of the same role instead of 1 to have a little more variety, even if it's not that much.

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          Super Senko-san Time

                            You need to like that hero for u to spam it


                              I'm one of the biggest spammers out there (3k+games invoker, 2k+ games clock, 1k on many others.)

                              You have to spam a lot for it to start working and be less boring ;D

                              Find some hero that you enjoy a lot! that's key!
                              A hero that is synergetic (works with many others) Allways good.
                              Try different combos with other heroes, I learn something new literally every game.

                              You can also split the hero into different parts,
                              meaning you can practise on the 1 skill,
                              then the 2th skill
                              then the 3th and then something else,

                              play around with item/skill builds,
                              Think outside the box.



                                72 invo games
                                (3k+ *cough)

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                                Alien Righteousness

                                  Step 1: Really enjoy a certain hero.

                                  i follow Jesus.

                                    "i like anime so i pick drow ranger hehe xd" rtc, 2k17

                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                      I spam tiny because it’s my favourite hero. I like to throw my team and don’t care if I win or lose.


                                        I spam because I find fun in improving/mastering a high skill cap hero (micro ones in my case interest me the most), its the sense of satisfaction from getting better at one hero(which will be measured from mmr gain since you only play 1 hero).
                                        Plus lack of time to play enough dota to actually get better at the game on every hero.

                                        I rather be 6k on arc/meepo than 5k on every hero. Games are more enjoyable at higher rating on a satisfaction level when you win or lose.


                                          solo mmr = 1-5 heroes until 7k
                                          normal games/pt/captain mode5v5=play all hero

                                          if you dont follow this rule it means you just a madman that loves suffering


                                            Find a hero you actually have fun playing then spamming doesn't seem like a chore anymore. once you discover that level of fun you'd never seen before you really don't feel like picking a different hero during pick phase

                                            Story Time

                                              Spamming? What is it?


                                                its honestly not fun playing same heroes all the time,i dont know how can you people find that fun

                                                  low prio master

                                                    The key is spam a complex hero, for example if you will spam heroes basically not so mechanically hard to control like Sniper, there will not be such a long way to improve and possibilities are lower, it will be still just about positioning yourself than improving on mechanical skill.

                                                    Good example would be Puck,invoker, wisp etc.... you not get bored after 100 games couse you can still improve a lot on the hero.

                                                    If you will play sniper 100 games there wouldn't be such a difference in your skill on hero lets say from 20-100 games but for example on puck you will learn so much more in hundred games and it will be literally still worth to play him.


                                                      Watch pros play the hero. Better yet, watch pros that spam that hero, or at least pro's that are TOP 5 for that hero. I have been watching 1 game a day of Morphling and I may suck at morph but I honestly can't get enough of it. It is so much fun to play especially after I watch an ame or ramzes match :D


                                                        I just find that there's a very few heroes which actually matches my playstyle.

                                                        At first I learned Dota, I didn't know OD and TA would be my hero. Don't even know how the hero works (and never planned to touch them further), until I saw MP played OD in Shanghai Major (2016), and then found QO's VoD playing TA at TI5. My mind was blown.

                                                        Much later on, as time progresses, I found myself able to do quite many things in Dota with either Lanaya or Harbinger, that I might have never imagined before if I'm continue playing with my other previous heroes.

                                                        Sadly though, OD's meta is currently in a state of confusion right now, and I need to find a cure if I'm to be able to play him again this patch. :)

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!