General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst picking Ember everytime

First picking Ember everytime in General Discussion

    What cons of it? I feel like you can get away with ember pick everygame, because if u even has bad matchup mid then u can just ganking other lane


      only if you are good at him


        Bsj dumpster 4k bracket with first pick ember so yeah you can if your skill 3k ahead of your enemy


          only if you're #nextsumail


            Nah only zoretsheikh can do it not anyone else


              Ember first pick is so punishable. All enemy has to do is pick a melee midlaner and win


                Ember first pick is so punishable. All enemy has to do is win game


                  I am actually waiting some reason why ember first pick is punishable. As by knowinv that i can punish enemy ember pick too.

                  Pick melee offlaner? Even if u have bad match up at mid such as mk or ursa u can still rotate and gank. They cant kill u if u max 1st and 2nd skill tho

                  Player 281121816

                    When peoples learn if ember cant do shit without his flame guard and his shield can be dispelled by anything?

                    All you had to do was pick enchant (his 2nd dispel or she can use purge satyr), doom (just eat purge satyr), invoker with his tornado, and brute forces (mk, ursa). Or you can just rush eul to dispel his flame guard. Ez done


                      can't dispel flame guard if u dont add it


                        if you know how to play ember to his fullest potential, go for it, if you don't you're bad and you'll feed


                          Ember is a snowball hero, hard to play him from behind just like sf


                            Anyway if you vs high physical damage the medalion build looks really good


                              Monkey king will destroy you


                                Wtf pick Ember first you will get steamrolled by Ursa or MK or Bloodseeker. Even if you dont get hard countered in lane you will get countered with Oracle or Shadow Demon who will dispel and purge you all game long.

                                You assume you will be able to just leave and gank other lanes from level 2 onward with no repercussions for letting mid be a free win for enemy core? Then why not just pick and play Pos 4 ember and let someone competent at drafting play mid.


                                  Well BSJ is Immortal rank 119, so I think he would trash 4k mmr with firstpicking anything mid tbh, that doesnt say anything. I played with smurf ember (winrate >90%), who trashed completely enemy MK mid - and I mean like 3-4 levels ahead 10 minutes in. The skill difference is huge, so you cant really compare it.

                                  If you have same skill level as your opponent and he counterpicks you (MK, Huskar or another picks), you can hardly move into the creeps and not to die on lvl 1.


                                    A top 100 player could trash anyone with anything. Topson could play right click techies mid and trash a 4k player. That does not mean regular mortals should first pick very counter prone cores.

                                    Maybe when you are 1.5k games deep in Ember you could convince me its a good idea to first pick it but unless you are Sumiya level experienced with a hero it is not a good decision to play against competent people.


                                      ancient opinion lmao